December • November • October • September • August • July •
June • May • April • March • February • January
Adam Abeshouse • Joy Adams • Judy Adams • Rebecca Adams • Edwin Adcock • Frank Adonetti • Mirza Al Sharif • Paul Alberta • Ann Alex • Shamaka Khalid Ali • Ed Alisauskas • Jean-Philippe Allard • George E. Allen • Ron Allen • Bill Allred • Charlie Almeida • Roger Alonso • Jeff Alpert • David Amaral • Bruno Amstad • Alfa Anderson • Rod Anderson • Richard Andrews • Derek Ansell • MaryAnn Anselmo • Armando Araújo • Bill Ardis • Malcolm Armstrong • Herb Aronoff • David Arteaga • Stephen Ashworth • Lee Askew II • Ernesto Assante • Néstor Astarita • Jean-Claude Aunos • Paul Auster • Charles Austin • Ray Austin • Bob Ayres • Giorgio Azzolini • Peter Baartmans • Danny Bacher • Jeremy Bacon • Odile Bailleux • Don Baldini • Patricia Balrack • Ed Balsamo • Bill “Jackson” Balsley • Tony Banda • Toninho Barbosa • Allen Bardin • Tony Bari • Ray Barker • Charles Barnes • Dick Barnes • Fred Barnes • Roy Barnhart • Michael Barth • Peter Bastian • Brian Bates • Don Bates • Lionel Batiste, Jr. • Martin Bax • Rido Bayonne • Vern Beacock • Austin Bealmear • Jim Beard • Janis Beauchamp • Martien Beenen • Ralph Beerkircher • Clifford Bell • Charles "Lolo" Bellonzi • Francisco Bellotti • Warren Benbow • Casey Benjamin • Frank Bennett • Bob Bequillard • Edward Berg • Patty Berg • Jenny Bernard • Al Berry • Bob Bertles • Don Bestor • Dickey Betts • Queen Bey-Blythe • Michael Billard • Gloria Bivens • Terje Bjørklund • Arturo Blasco • Elaine Blood • Lore Boas • Angela Bofill • Karel Bogard • George Bohanon • George Boje • Werner Bokelberg • Mike Bolejack • Charles Boles • Joe Boley • Jordi Bonell • Matt Bonelli • Henri Bonifay • Sandra Booker • John Booth • Khunaluth Borunasak • Bob Boss • Dominique Boulé • Roland Bourgeois • Jean-Pierre Bourtayre • Midge Bowman • Keith Box • Jacky Boyadjian • Ken Brader • Jessie Bradley • Judy "Jebry" Branch • London Branch • Leroi Brashears • Bill Brewer • Stacey Briggs • Larry Bright • Teresa Bright • Edgar Alan Brightbill • Phyllis Brinkerhoff • Peter Britell • Lars Brolin • Richard Bromley • Benjamin Brown • David Brown • Dean Brown • Dick Brown • Jewel Brown • Lee Brown • Anne Brudevold • Tom Brun • William Bruno • Eric Buchanan • John Buchanan • Werner Büche • Jock Budelman • Agnes Buen Garnås • Nigel Buesst • Craig Bullis • Chris Burke • Terry Burns • Bob Butters • Cass Cacciatore • Jim Cameron • Humphrey Campbell • Mike Campbell • Helene Cann • Roy Cansdale • Paul Caputo • Franco Caroni • Denny Carrig • Eddie Carter • Ronald Carter • Terry Carter • Tony Carter • Glenn Cartlidge • Bob Cartwright • Gilbert Cassand • Ricardo Castelán • Dolph Castellano • Amadee Castenell • Charlie Castro • Tony Cedras • Brian Chadwick • James Chance • Marc Chantereau • Lew Chapman • Edgar L. Chase III • Mikhail Chekalin • José Chenoll • Bob Chmel • Werner Christians • Hank Cicalo • Stanisław Cieślak • Rafi Claudio • Julia Cleveland • Barry Cluskey • Barry Coates • Art Cobb • Don Cobb • Lorraine Cofrances • Jerry Coker • Tom Colclough • Geoff Cole • Albert Coleman • Robert Coles • Dan Collins • Eleanor Collins • Cliff Colnot • Willie T. Colón • Philippe Combelle • Carol Comer • Michael Comins • Don Compton • Marty Conley • Joe Conway • Bob Cooper • Nicky Coppola • Pierre Cornali • Bill Cornell • Fernando Corona • Olivier Cosson • Nicolae Covaci • Tony Coy • Jan Cremer • Freddie Crespo • Rob Crocker • Ralph Cross • Sandra Crouch • Dorian Crow • Jorge Cruz • Paulo Curado • Ed Curiel • Gary Curson • Michael Cuscuna • Gilbert D'Alto • Roy D'Antonio • Bill Dabbs • Ron Daggett • Claire Daly • Barbara Dane • Nick Daniels III • Arthur Daniels, Sr. • Palle Danielsson • Alice Darr • James Darren • Inskip Dasent • Derek DaVault • George Davidson • Bill Davies • Graeme Davies • Eric Davis • Les Davis • Stan Davis • Dale Dawkins • Colin De Light • Henk De Roos • Rohan de Saram • Tamás Deák • Siegfried Debrebant • Edward Decker • “Papa” John DeFrancesco • Phil Delire • Peter Demetz • Frank Demond • Marcus Dengate • Andrew DeNicola • Jack Dennis • John DeSalme • Dale Detrick • Frank DeVito • Ron Dewar • Toumani Diabaté • Valentin Diaz • Tony DiBartolomeo • Henry DiMichele • Basil Dixon • Gail Dobson • Tom Doeller • Lou Donaldson • José Dos Santos • Denise Dotson • Bill Douglass • Ollie Dowling • Jim Drain • Paul Drushler • Howard Drye • David Duke • Sorin Dumitrescu • Charles Dumont • Scott Dunbabin • David Dunn • Marti Dunn-Hall • Dorothy Dunne • John Dupaquier • Ralph Duran • Alvin Dyers • Michael Eagleton • Arthur Edghill • Don Edmonds • Manfred Eichel • Peter Eichenberger • Rolf Ekelund • Maurice El Médioni • Mike Eller • Kenny Elliot • Elizabeth En Earl • Wayne Enage • Chris Engleman • Andrew Ennis • Péter Eötvös • Elke Erb • Thomas Hylland Eriksen • Bob Erlendson • Christian Escoudé • Nils Espinosa • Antonino Esposito • Franco Etti • Ron Evaniuk • Terry Evans • Vince Evans • Jan Evensmo • Tom Evered • Harry Fackelman • Mike Factor • Craig Fager • Lynn Fainchtein • Jonathan Fairman • Dan Farina • Bo Farson • Bob Fead • Andy Fehrenbach • Vladimir Feiertag • Philip Feiner • Chris Felcyn • Kayla Feldman • Mitchell Feldman • Peter Ferguson • Olav Fermelin • Paul "Chico" Fernandez • Wilhelmenia Wiggins Fernandez • Upali Fernando • Angelo Ferrara • Frank Ferriano • Bob Ferro • Wayne Feschuk • Ernie Fields, Jr. • Nick Fields • Bob Filer • Tam Fiofori • Mark Fiorini • Bob Firnhaber • Charles Fishman • Robert Fitzpatrick • Karen Flattery • Denis Fleisch • Herbie Flowers • Ed Flynn • John Foley • Stan Fomin • Joel Forbes • John Forbes • Francis Fortier • Nelson Foucht • Tom Fowler • Rodger Fox • Todd Fraba • Page Fraley • Martin France • Joan Franco • Artt Frank • David Freedman • Andy Freeman • Norm Freeman • Manfred Frei • George French • Brahim Fribgane • John Fridy • Karl Friedline • Lew Friend • Kelly Friesen • Robert Fulford • Josephine Fusco • Derek Gabriel • Todd Gabriel • Jim Gaines • Ivar Galenieks • Grace Garland • Charles Garrett • Lonnie Gasperini • Claude Gawe • Mitzi Gaynor • Jean-François Georges • Steve Geraci • Alan Gerber • Gianni Gherardi • Santiago Giacobbe • Stanley Gibb • Bill Gibson • Hubert Gibson • Rocky Giglio • Guy Gilbert • John "Prince" Gilbert • Roddy Gillen • Daniel “Topo” Gioia • Nikki Giovanni • John Gittins • Stephen Goldberg • John Goldsmith • Benny Golson • Antonio "Totinho" Gomes • Ray Gonzalez • Toño González • Lanny Gooding • Frazer Goodman • Maria Goodman Hunter • Howard Goodrich • Nathan Gordon • Clive Govinden • Reggie Graham • Thomas Gramuglia • Gary Grant • Russell Grant • Diva Gray • Dave Green • Larry Green • Ira Greenstein • Bob Greenwood • Sam Gresham • Clyde Griffith • David Griffiths • Mario "Machito Jr." Grillo • Larry Gross • Carl Grubbs • Tom Gruzo • Rob Guerrina • Earle Gullins, Jr. • John Gunther • Bill Guthrie • Jim Haas • Reiner Haebler • Dan Haerle • Dag Häggqvist • Joseph Hakos • Ed Haley • Alfred Hall • Gail Hall • Gene Hall • Keith Hall • Anthony Hamilton-Smith • Hans Hammerschmid • Dent Hand • Walter Hanel • Fred Hany • Phil Hardison • Rodni Hardison • John Hargreaves • Arthur Harris • Barbara J. Harris • Gene Harris • Mike Harris • Bill Hart-Davidson • Roy Hart • Jimmy Hastings • Michel Hausser • Vojtěch Havel • Evelyn Hawkins • Geoff Hawkins • Satoshi Hayashi • Ron Hayden • Margaux Hayes • Roy Haynes • Tony Haynes • Don Heap • Albert “Tootie” Heath • Chris Hebert • Lee Chong Heen • Jim Heineman • Lyn Hejinian • Walter Henderson III • Don Heneberry • Terry Henebery • Joao Henrique • Mike Henshall • Tom Henson • Georges Herpe • Fred Hewitt • Stephen Hicks • Steve Hideg • Colin Higginson • Gail Hightower • Yasafumi Higurashi • Greg Hildebrandt • Freddie Hill • Bobby Hinson • Peggy Hitchcock • Karl Horst Hödicke • Rodney Hoffman • Gary Hogan • Rick Holden • Marvin "Doc" Holladay • Charlie Holland • Jack Hollenberg • Bill Holman • Bill Holman • Thomas Höpker • Christine Hopkins • Grant Hopkins • Evelyn Horne • Richard Horowitz • Viola Horton • Robert Horvath • Rasheed Howard • Larry Hoyt • Samuel Hubert • Mike Huddleston • Raymond Huelbig • Jeremy Huggett • Bob Hughes • Carl Humphrey • Kerry "Fatman" Hunter • Coy Hurd • Zakir Hussain • John Hyde • Antonio Iglio • Teddy Ikegaya • Jiro Inagaki • Jacques Ingelaere • Takeshi Inomata • David Irving • Jim Ivy • Tony Jackovich • Barry K. Jackson • Dizzy Jackson • Eldredge Jackson • Homer Jackson • Reuben Jackson • Claus Jacobi • Gunnar Jæger • Tony Jagitsch • Rob James • Judith Jamison • Linda Janee • Byron Janis • Heikki Jäntti • Chris Jaudes • Harold Jefta • Norman Jewison • Haroldo Jobim • Willie Johans • Cliff Johnson • David Johnson • John Johnson • Laurie Johnson • Milton Lee Johnson • Tenley Johnson • Ron Johnston • David Jones • Desmond "Desi" Jones • Jack Jones • Jacqueline Jones • Quincy Jones • Robert Jones • Leon Jordan • Thapelo Joseph • Conrad Joyce • Andrés Juárez • Glenn Jubilee • Richard Judah • Shirley Judkins • Charles Juliet • Ismail Kadare • Werner Kaegi • Davor Kajfeš • Jim Kalson • John Kane • Olli Kaske • Olavi Kaskisuo • Roger Kasparian • Getachew Kassa • Shoro Kawazoe • Jerry Kay • Mano Kazuhiko • Jim Kelleher • James Kelley • John Kelman • Mark Kennedy • Calvin Keys • Aashish Khan • Rob Killam • Chris King • Tim King • Alan Kingstone • Frank Kirchner • Andrew Klein • Randy Kling • Robert Knatt • Kenny Knauer • Beverley Knight • Ravi Knypstra • Bobby Koefer • Ferenc Körmendy • Kurt Krahn • Daniel Kramer • Wayne Kramer • Elaine Krovitz • Antoni Krupa • Olaf Kübler • Christian Kuether • Axel Kühn • Juris Kulakovs • Diether Kunerth • Leah Kunkel • Donald Kurtz • Timmy Kwebulana • Sonny La Rosa • Sammy Labastida • Bénédicte Laforêt • Walt Lahman • Bill Lalli • Bob Lanese • Jeff Lang • Ben Lanzarone • Dieter Lässle • Marcellino Latupeirissa • Katie Laur • Don Lawrence • Sean Lawson • Dave Lazorcik • Malcolm le Grice • Jean Le Marac • Steve Leathers • Phyllis Leaverton • David LeBaron • Joe Lee • Mel Lee • Nat Lee • Pan Geun Lee • Perri Lee • Phil Lee • Spencer Lee • Glen Leeuwen • Paul LeGrande, Jr. • Pat Lehman • Peter Leitch • Lenny Lendrum • Jean-Maurice Lenne • Dave Lennox • Tony Lenti • Marvin Lerman • Bob Leto • Karl Leury • Jerry E. Lewis • Richard Lichtenstein • Joe Lieberman • Joseph Lillyman • Robert Lindner • Jan Linhart • Gonzalo Liscano • A. James Liska • Laura Littardi • Ron Lloyd • Richard Locker • Larry Loden • Wyn Lodwick • Bill Logozzo • Henry Long, Sr. • Jack Long • Renee Long • Félix Vílchez López • Omer Loranger • Walter Love • Chris Lowell • Bill Lowrey • Sylvain Luc • Mary Lukas • Everett Lynn • Margaret Lyon • Graham Lyons • Greg Lyons • John McBeath • Vanessa McClinchy • Angela McCluskey • Al McCoy • Tom McCray • Joe McGillis • Patty McGovern • Stacie McGregor • Gustaf McIlhenny • Doug McIntosh • Derrick McIntyre • Mac McKenzie • Neil McKenzie • Rob McKenzie • Don McKever • John McNeil • Frank McNulty • Martin McQueenie • Andy MacLean • Eriikka Maalismaa • Anne Magouët • Peter Magubane • Andrzej Makowiecki • Joe Malinga • Russell Malone • Richard Maloof • Richetta Manager • Trudi Mann • George “Doc” Manning • Michele Mannucci • Alan Mansfield • John Marcellus • Paul Marchetti • José Marino • Jehane Markham • Dmitry Markov • Marcel Marnat • Gordon Marshall • Zane Marshall • John Marszalek • Dave Martin • Shaun Martin • Billy Martinez • Charles Martyn • Pacifico Mascarenhas • Didier Mattei • Geoff Matthews • Helen Matthews • Llew Matthews • Jimmy Maxwell • Chris May • Carlos Maya • Cliff Meachen • Maureen Meers • Ken Meisinger • Marianne Mekknäs • Muluken Melesse • Axel Melhardt • Zaven Melikian • Sérgio Mendes • Jeff Merrifield • Joël Mettay • Philippe Méziat • Jun Mhoon • Tony Middleton • Michio Mikazaki • Osmar Milito • Cliff Miller • Donald Miller • Lloyd Miller • Mike A. Miller • Mike Miller • Jacky Milliet • Harriett Milnes • John Minnock • Manuel "Guajiro" Mirabal • Carlos Miralles • Furuya Mitsuhiro • Bob Modr • Peggy Moffitt • Ezbie Moilwa • Ole Molin • Heidi Moll • Dominic Mollica • Chude Mondlane • Larry Monroe • Bill Montague • Ernie Montoya • Philip Moody • Emmanuel Morais • Andy Moran • Gary Morgan • Dan Morgenstern • Sybil Morial • Edward Trester • Wilford Morton • Joe Mosbrook • Ray Mosca • Bob Moser • Ron Moss • Bill Moulton • Jack Mouse • Ife Mtume • Nick Mulder • Joe Mullen • San Murata • Dave Murell • Sammy Murgo • Brian Murphy • Camay Murphy • Dave Murphy • Don Murray • Martin Murray • Ted Murray • Patricia Myers • Lars Martin Myhre • Bill Nadeau • Pablo Nahar • Hozumi Nakadaira • Cedric Napoleon • Gerald Nassif • Johnny Neel • Eli Newberger • Phoebe Newman • Graham Newton • Vuyiswa Ngcwangu • Philani Ngidi • Eric Nieblas • Bruce Nielsen • Lloyd Nilsen • Phi Nimmons • Tonko Ninić • Zé Nogueira • Jón Nordal • Armando Noriega • Nancy Norman • Lee Norris • Mike Norris • Steve Novak • Janusz Nowotarski • Makaya Ntshoko • Dave Nuby • Bambang Nugroho • Steve O'Connell • Irio O'Farrill • Dave Odell • Richard Okon • Janusz Olejniczak • Gregory Oliva • Joaquín "J.J." Oliveros • Lois Olney • Ulrich Olshausen • Peter Opsvik • Berndt Ostendorf • Göran Östling • Jean-François Ouellet • Pete Oxborough • Seiji Ozawa • Juppo Paavola • Janis Paige • Fernando Palombo • Donald Palthe • Lou Pamenter • Howard Pancoast • John Park • H. Charles Parker • Richard Parsons • Bill Parthe • Patrick Pasha • Silvio Passalacqua • Marvin "Achyutan" Pattillo • Harry Peacock • Walter Pearson, Jr. • Jean Pelle • Chema Pellico • John Pencola • Roberta Penn • Jim Penning • Yvonnick Penven • John Perett • Si Perkoff • John Perry • Richard Perry • Stan Perry • Jan Peters • Joseph Peterson • André “Slim” Pezin • Roger Pfund • Barre Phillips • Alan Piccin • Michael Pierpaoli • Richard Pierson • Anthony Pinciotti • Gerry Pineda • Vladimír Pinta • John Pisano • Eldon Pitts • Angelo Pizarro • Mimis Plessas • Tom Plsek • Viola Plummer • Larry Polansky • Peter Polatin • James Polk • Ian Polster • Jorge Pomar • Fred Pomerantz • Florian Poser • Ben Powell • Jorge Prats • Dick Prendergast • Dick Prestage • John Price • Jim Progris • Sy Pryweller • Howard Pulver • Nenyi "Nee" Quaison-Sackey • John Quara • Bernard Rabaud • Dédé Rabeson • Matthew Raimondi • Toty Ramos • Bill Ramsay • Kenneth E. Ramseur • Sly Randolph • John Rautenbach • Dolor Ravi • Ruth Ray • Dennis Reaser • Jacques Réda • Ed Reed • Tom Reese • Gérard Régnier • Enrique Llácer Regolí • Dieter Reichert • John Patrick Reilly • Richard Reiter • Gianfranco Reverberi • Olivia Revueltas • Bob Reynolds • Ernest Richards • Nelson Richards • John Richardson • Kim Richmond • Christopher Riddle • Georg Riedel • Alex Riel • Edgar Rios • Michel Ripoche • Pete Riso • Javier Rivera • Dean Roberts • Alistair Robertson • Herb Robertson • Wade Robertson • Billy Robinson • Charlie Robinson • Primus Robinson • Johnny "Dandy" Rodriguez • Melvin Rogers • John Rohde • Skip Rohrich • Enrique "Zurdo" Roizner • Don Rollins • Marcello Rosa • Charles Rose • Norm Rosenblatt • Mike Ross-Trevor • Joan Rosselló • Donald Rothchild • Jim Rotondi • Alex Rottlaender • Bill Rouselle • Robert Routch • Paul Routledge • Ray Roy • Steve Royall • Mark Rubinstein • Colin Rudd • John Rudd • Martin Rudy • Ken Rupkalvis • Bob Rusch • Günter Saalmann • Carlos Saavedra • Feliz "Fété" Sabal-Lecco • Herman Sabbe • Manu Sagastume • Peter Saitta • Jay David Saks • Harold Salisbury • Seymour Salzberg • Sefton Samuels • Torbjörn Samuelsson • David Sanborn • Kirk Sand • Greg Sander • Jerry Sanders • Roland Sandosham • Diego Sandrin • Jim Santella • Ricardo Sarandría • Frederic Sater • Damon Sawyer • Doug Saxon • Anthony Scarlati • John Scatena • Joel Schiavone • Phillip Schilder • Marcel Schimscheimer • Marko Schindler • Claude Schlouch • Paul Schmeling • Tom Schmick • Hans Schneider • Nick Schneider • Paul Schoenfield • Erhard Schoofs • Mark Schulte • Emerson "Bud" Schultz • Sigi Schwab • Irène Schweizer • Louis Scolnik • Robert Grant Scott • Lenward Seals • Bob Seeley • Pat Sehr • Jon Seiger • Charles Sekano • Wayne Selly • Geoff Senn • Chris Seresin • Tom Serling • Jarmo Sermilä • Milt Sernick • Ed Shanaphy • Larry Shapiro • Marlena Shaw • Frank Shea • Kaye Sheils-Houston • Molly Shepard • Godfrey Sheppard • Tony Sheppard • Richard M. Sherman • Charles Sherrell • Philip Shine • Kishin Shinoyama • Kazuko Shiraishi • Wally Shoup • Leif Sibersky • Doug Sides • Steve Silberman • Dave Silk • Conny Sillén • Irma Ipyana Simonette • Dani Simons • John Sinclair • Robert Skoglund • Lee Slater • Sherwood Sledge • Kathy Sloane • Biff Smith • Bill Smith • Christy Smith • Darrell “Peanut” Smith • Dick Smith • Gale Smith • Gus Smith • Hal Smith • Jimmie Smith • Lois Smith • Oscar Smith • Scott Smith • Robin Snyder • Emil Sokasits • Slobodan Sokolovic • Martial Solal • H. Lee Southall • Paul Sparrow • Martin Spitzer • Jason St. Pierre • Corky Stasiak • Richard Steckler • Burt Steel • Charles Stephens • Eric Stephenson • Toni Stern • T.M. Stevens • Tony Stewart • Janis Stockhouse • Bill Stout • Bob Street • Bob Strizich • Gary Stroutsos • Robert P. Sullivan • Jack Sunaway • Bilal Sunni-Ali • Suds Sutherland • W. Mark Sutherland • Hisatsugu Suzuki • Anthony Swann • Bruce Talbot • Shuntaro Tanikawa • Robert Tann • Dana Tapp • John Tatgenhorst • Jorge Tavares • Bob "Sticks" Taylor • Clarke "Omar" Taylor • Larry Teal • Evandro Teixiera • Vertti Teräsvuori • George Thatcher • Arthur Theil • Alex Theus • Les Thimmig • Haydn Thomas • Jack Thorncraft • Bernt Thurner • Valerie Tichacek • Uwe W. Tiedemann • Rick Tilton • Dottie Timberlake • Dennis Tini • Robert Todd • Mario Toledo • Rene Toledo • Dave Tomlin • Alan Tomlinson • Kevin Toney • Tony Totts • Guy Touvron • Brian Towers • Wendy Treacher • Paul Trebino • Edward Trester • Judd Truax • Emre Tukur • Jukka Tuovinen • Joe Turchiano • Yuri Turchyn • Everett Turner • Rico Tyler • Margaret Tynes • Larry Tyrell • Tom Ulrich • Marta Valdés • Caterina Valente • Sharon Valleau • Rashid Vally • Marc Van Den Hoof • Joep van Leeuwen • Willem van Manen • Maarten van Norden • Giulio Vannini • Vernon Varnum • Karel Vejvoda • Vinny Vella • Héctor Veneros • Rony Verbiest • Carlos Verde, Jr. • Ulrich Vette • Joe Viera • Lou Vig • Ulrich Vollmer • Vinz Vonlanthen • Pentti Vuosmaa • Rolf Wagemann • John Wagner • Elliott Waldron • Al Wallack • Willie Walters • Frank Walton • Jo Ann Ward • Ken Ward • Sergio Ward • Ingram Washington • Tony Washington • Patty Waters • Dorothy “Dot” Watkins • Tony Watts • Tommy Weatherley • Carl Weathersby • Gerry Weil • Steven Weiner • Martin Weiss • Howie Welch • Stefan Werni • James "Ismail" West • Karla West • Peter Westbrook • John Westwood • Billy Edd Wheeler • Karol White • Charlie Whitehill • Jerome Widman • Anders Widmark • Gil Wiest • Dot Wilder • Göte Wilhelmson • Dale Williams • Johnny Williams • Pearl Williams • Rod Williams • Mike Wills • Brian "Scotty" Wilson • Stefan Wissnet • Bert Withers • Bryan Withers • Mike Withers • Stephan Wittwer • Les Wood • Woody Woodhouse • Pam Woods • Emmett Wright • Jan Ptaszyn Wróblewski • Robert Wyatt, Jr. • Jake Wynne • Tadashi Yabe • David Yaffe • Chuck Yates • Lily Yontef • Liu Yuan • Tom Zahorik • Tony Zannini • Kiane Zawadi • Anne Zindars • Tony Zorzi
Göran Östling (April 6th, 1940 - December 31st, 2024) The Swedish saxophonist/flutist led the Boplovers and had credits with Idrees Sulieman, Lars Werner, Stefan Forssén, Christer Boustedt and others. Östling died December 31st at 84.
John Marcellus • John Perry
Bob Bertles (March 6th, 1939 - December 30th, 2024) The Australian saxophonist was a member of Ian Carr’s Nucleus, worked with Neil Ardley, Cal Nolan, John Sangster, Richard Ochalski, Bruce Cale, Julian Lee, Ray McKinley, John Pochée and others and had albums on Battyman, Batjazz, Larrikin, Rufus and ABC Music. Bertles died December 30th at 85.
Peter Leitch (August 19th, 1944 - December 30th, 2024) The Canadian guitarist had albums on Jazz House, Uptown, Criss Cross, Reservoir, Concord, Justin Time, Jardis and DSM and credits with Sadik Hakim, Al Grey/Jimmy Forrest, Oscar Peterson, The New York Jazz Guitar Ensemble, Woody Shaw, Jaki Byard, Dominique Eade, Pete Yellin, Chad Coe and others. Leitch died December 30th at 80.
Roy Barnhart • Larry Gross • Phil Hardison • Mike Harris • Dolor Ravi • Bilal Sunni-Ali
Mike Campbell (??? - December 29th, 2024) The singer had albums on Palo Alto, ITI and Audiophile and credits with Moacir Santos and Donald Byrd. Campbell died December 29th at an unknown age.
George Thatcher (??? - December 29th, 2024) Among the trombonist’s many credits were recordings by Norman Connors, Gene Harris, Sonny Criss, Kyle Eastwood, Brad Mehldau, Diana Krall, Terence Blanchard and Mike Barone. Thatcher died December 29th at an unknown age.
Keith Box • Peter Ferguson • Tony Watts • Lily Yontef
Lars Martin Myhre (August 10th, 1956 - December 28th, 2024) The Norwegian guitarist founded the Slagen Big Band, was a member of Trio Tre and had his own or co-led albums on Hot Club, Tylden & Co, Via Music and Big Box. Myhre died December 28th at 68.
Barre Phillips (October 27th, 1934 - December 28th, 2024) The bassist (father to fellow bassist David and singer Claudia), one of the avant garde giants of his instrument, spearheading both the solo bass recital and multi-bass ensemble genres (with players like Dave Holland, Barry Guy, Palle Danielsson, Jean-François Jenny-Clark, Peter Kowald, Joëlle Léandre, Tetsu Saitoh, Motoharu Yoshizawa, Teppo Hauta-aho, Bertram Turetzky, Nobuyoshi Ino, William Parker, Mark Dresser, Sebastian Gramss, Daniele Roccato and others) through albums on Opus One, ECM, JAPO, émouvance, gligg and many other labels across 50 years, leading several albums for ECM and appearing on many more as a sideman, got his start in more “traditional” jazz with Eric Dolphy, Larry Austin, Bob James, Jimmy Giuffre, Archie Shepp, Peter Nero, Attila Zoller and others before resettling in Europe, collaborating with Nino Ferrer, Chris McGregor, Rolf and Joachim Kühn, Mal Waldron, Gong, Marion Brown, Wolfgang Dauner, John Surman, Siegfried Kessler, Michel Portal, Baden-Baden Free Jazz Orchestra, Friedrich Gulda, Collette Magny, Jiří Stivín, Heiner Stadler, Terje Rypdal, Charlie Mariano, Bernard Lubat, Günter Baby Sommer, Manfred Schoof, Gianluigi Trovesi, Alfred Harth, Derek Bailey, Yochk’o Seffer, Gunter Hampel, Peter Brötzmann, Jon Rose, Keiji Haino, Sabu Toyozumi, Hans Burgener, Biggi Vinkeloe, Mario Schiano, Paul Bley, Evan Parker, Joe and Mat Maneri, Georg Gräwe, Urs Leimgruber, Jacques Demierre, Franz Kolgmann, Michel Lambert, Robin Williamson, Joe Morris, Ned Rothenburg, Lol Coxhill, René Bottlang, Vinny Golia, Kosugi Takehisa, Takahashi Yuji, John Butcher, Ståle Liavik Solberg, György Kurtág Jr., Giancarlo Locatelli and many more. Phillips died December 28th at 90.
Hisatsugu Suzuki (November 22nd, 1972 - December 28th, 2024) The Japanese saxophonist had albums on Vap and T5Jazz and Motofusa Kisaku, Woong San, Yuji Ohno, Shinji Akita, Hidenobu Otsuki, Takako Afuso, Yasuhiko Sato, Jun Miyakawa and others. Suzuki died December 28th at 52.
Paul LeGrande, Jr. • Bernard Rabaud • John Marszalek
Joel Forbes (1956 - December 27th, 2024) The bassist recorded with Dan Barrett, Bryan Shaw, Wayne Escoffery, Harry Allen, Dick Voigt, Lino Patruno, Grant Stewart, Frank Vignola, Ehud Asherie, Dick Hyman/Ken Peplowski, Barbara Rosene, Joe Cohn, Terry Myers, Ralph Lalama, Molly Ryan and others. Forbes died December 27th at 68.
Lloyd Miller (1938 - December 27th, 2024) The multi-instrumentalist and Middle Eastern music scholar, also known as Kurosh Ali Khan, had early credits with Jef Gilson and albums on his own East-West, World Arts, Strut and FOUNTAINavm. Miller died December 27th at 86.
Nigel Buesst • Mikhail Chekalin • Richard Parsons • Ruth Ray • Roland Sandosham • Suds Sutherland
Marc Chantereau (December 1st, 1947 - December 25th, 2024) The French keyboard player/percussionist, among his other work in electronica, disco and pop, had co-leadership of the bands CCPP and Synthesis and credits with Ivan Jullien/Eddy Louiss, Michel Colombier, ZAO, Jean-Michel Bernard and others. Chantereau died December 25th at 77.
Joe McGillis
George “Doc” Manning (July 11th, 1950 - December 24th, 2024) The Baltimore jazz stalwart was a longtime radio host on WEAA, booker and MC at the club An Die Musik and promoter of concerts at Caton Castle. Manning died December 24th at 74.
Anthony Pinciotti (July 20th, 1975 - December 24th, 2024) The drummer was a key part of the scenes of Chicago, then New York, working with, among others, Bradley Williams, Rob Mazurek, Bob Dogan, James Moody, Alexis Cole, Jonathan Kreisberg, Jeremy Steig, Dave Finucane, Jeff Gardner, Govanni Tommaso, Russ Spiegel, John Bany, Holger Scheidt, Lynne Arriale, Audrey Silver, Andy LaVerne, Steve Myerson, George Rox, Vic Juris, David Schnitter, Ari Ambrose, Brian Charette, John McNeil, David Smith, George Mraz, Mark Soskin, Spike Wilner, Anat Cohen, Mike Richmond, Ralph Moore and Stacey Kent. Pinciotti died December 24th at 49.
Judy Adams • Leroi Brashears • Ollie Dowling • Gunnar Jæger • Eldredge Jackson • Richard Perry • Gus Smith • Janis Stockhouse
Roland Bourgeois (1953 -December 22nd, 2024) The Canadian trumpeter and pedagogue worked with the York University Jazz Sextet, Moreen Meriden, Maritime Jazz Orchestra, Les Païens and Miles Black and self-released a handful of new millennium albums. Bourgeois died December 22nd at ~71.
Claude Schlouch (1941 - December 22nd, 2024) The French scholar published discographies on Kenny Dorham, Wardell Gray, Wynton Kelly, Hank Mobley, Bud Powell, Ike Quebec, Doug Watkins and Lee Wiley. Schlouch died December 22nd at 83.
Austin Bealmear • Eddie Carter • Henk De Roos • Sorin Dumitrescu • Jim Haas • Gene Hall • Chema Pellico • Colin Rudd • Leif Sibersky • Liu Yuan
Marcello Rosa (June 16th, 1935 - December 19th, 2024) The Italian trombonist had albums on Riccordi, Contape, Horo, King Universal, Soundstudio, Penta Flowers and Philology, worked with the Roman New Orleans Jazz band, Carlo Loffredo, Romano Mussolini, Enrico Pieranunzi, Enzo Scoppa, Lino Patruno, Grande Orchestra Nazionale Di Jazz, Riccardo Mei and others and had his compositions recorded by some of the aforementioned plus Frank Rosolino, Kenny Clarke, Perugia Big Band and Quintessenza Brass. Rosa died December 19th at 89.
Eriikka Maalismaa • Jerry Sanders
Stanisław Cieślak (October 30th, 1943 - December 18th, 2024) The Polish trombonist was a member of the Stodoła Big-Band and Studio Jazzowe Polskiego Radia and had credits with the Novi Singers, Marianna Wróblewska, Zbigniew Namysłowski, Wojciech Karolak, Bernt Rosengren, Per Henrik Wallen and others. Cieślak died December 18th at 81.
Chuck Yates (February 4th, 1936 - December 18th, 2024) The Australian pianist worked with Johnny NIcol, Errol Buddie, Bernie McGann and others. Yates died December 18th at 88.
Glenn Jubilee
Alfa Anderson (September 7th, 1946 - December 17th, 2024) Among the singer’s pop, rock and funk credits were albums by Marvin Hannibal Peterson, Nat Adderley, Eddie Benitez, Lou Perez, The Atlantic Family, Ray Barretto and Jay Hoggard. Anderson died December 17th at 78.
Claude Gawe • Marcel Marnat
Tony Banda (May 1956 - December 15th, 2024) The bassist, brother to drummer Ramon Banda, with whom he co-led a 2003 album, was a longtime accompanist to Poncho Sanchez and also worked with José Rizo, Francisco Aguabella, Brent Lewis, Papa John DeFrancesco, Colleen McNabb, Joey DeFrancesco and others. Banda died December 15th at 68.
John "Prince" Gilbert (??? - December 15th, 2024) The saxophonist was a member of the Rebirth, Hot 8, New Birth and Treme brass bands. Gilbert died December 15th at an unknown age.
Zakir Hussain (March 9th, 1951 - December 15th, 2024) Among the Indian tabla player’s myriad credits and own releases was work with John McLaughlin, John Handy, Idris Muhammad, Mickey Hart, Ali Akbar Khan, L. Subramaniam, Narada Michael Walden, Airto Moreira, Bill Laswell, Jack Bruce, Kazumi Watanabe, George Brooks, Peter Block, Peter Erskine, Pharoah Sanders, Kai Eckhardt, Renee Rosnes, Leni Stern, Joe Zawinul, Henry Kaiser/Wadada Leo Smith, Trilok Gurtu, Charles Lloyd, Gyan Riley, Jeff Coffin and Dave Holland. Hussain died December 15th at 73.
Danny Bacher • Roy Hart • Ezbie Moilwa • Jan Peters • Angelo Pizarro
Derek Ansell (1934 - December 13th, 2024) The author was a longtime contributor to Jazz Journal International and wrote biographies of Hank Mobley, Jackie McLean and, recently published, Sonny Clark. Ansell died December 13th at 90.
Arturo Blasco • Fred Barnes
Martial Solal (August 23rd, 1927 - December 12th, 2024) The Algeria-born French pianist was a towering figure in European since the ‘50s, having early work with Django Reinhardt, Astor Piazzolla, Don Byas, Jean-Pierre Sasson, Kenny Clarke, Claude Bolling, Lucky Thompson, Dave Pochonet, Sidney Bechet, Roger Guérin and André Hodeir, albums on Contemporary, Swing, Columbia, RCA Victor, Ducretet Thomson, SABA, Musique Pour L'Image, Polskie Nagrana, Milestone, CBS, BYG, PDU, PSI, Musica, MPS, Owl, Gaumont Music, Stil Discothèque, Carlyne Music, Erato, CY, Adda, JMS, Dreyfus, BMG, Soul Note, Storyville, H&L, Blue Note, CAMJazz, Nocturne, Sony Music, Sunnyside, Intuition, Challenge, GLM and other labels, a long partnership with Lee Konitz, credits with The European All Stars, Hans Koller, Wes Montgomery, Art Farmer/Phil Woods, George Gruntz, Stéphane Grappelli, Le Concert Arban, Joachim Kühn, Michel Portal, Rolf Kühn, Didier Lockwood, Eric Ferrand-N'Kaoua, Robert Kaddouch and others and soundtracks for numerous films, including 1960’s Breathless. Solal died December 12th at 97.
Edward Decker • Steven Weiner
Mitchell Feldman (??? - December 11th, 2024) The jazz industry professional was a radio host, concert promoter, director of the Atlanta Jazz Festival, record producer, liner notes author and, most recently, publicist. Feldman died December 11th at an unknown age.
Diether Kunerth
Herb Robertson (February 21st, 1951 - December 10th, 2024) The trumpeter had his own or co-led albums since the ‘80s on JMT, CIMP, Cadence, Winter & Winter, Splasc(H), Leo, X-OR, Clean Feed, Ruby Flower, Out in Space Music, Not Two, ILK Music, Out Of Your Head and CornerStoreJazz and credits with Tim Berne, Mark Helias, Frans Vermeerssen, The New York Composers Orchestra, Walter Thompson, Bill Horvitz, Lindsey Horner, Bobby Previte, Roberto Zorzi, David Sanborn, Marc Ducret, Michael Moore, Phil Haynes, Anthony Davis, Klaus König, David Taylor, Ray Anderson, Andy Laster, Guus Jansen, Joe Fonda/Michael Jefry Stevens, Lou Grassi, Paul Lytton, Tiziano Tononi, Satoko Fujii, Bob Ackerman, New Winds, Assif Tsahar, Anthony Braxton, Barry Guy, Simon Nabatov, Mack Goldsbury, Gerry Hemingway, Jay Rosen, Joe Lovano, Paul Smoker, Frank Gratkowski, Hilmar Jensson, Pierre Dørge, Dom Minasi, Alipio C. Neto, 100nka, Seth Meicht, Mokuto, Mothguts, Ramón López, Denman Maroney, Zlatko Kaučič, Mark Solborg, Edward Ricart, David Schnitter, Daniele Cavallanti, Stefan Schultze, Jim Yanda and others. Robertson died December 10th at 73.
Jack Thorncraft (July 13th, 1943 - December 10th, 2024) The Australian bassist had albums on La Brava Music and his own label alongside membership in Jazz Co-Op and credits with Don Rendell, Errol Buddie, Terry Gorka, Jim Kelly, Baartz Freeman and others. Thorncraft died December 10th at 81.
Lore Boas • Viola Horton
Nikki Giovanni (June 7th, 1943 - December 9th, 2024) The poet (née Yolanda Cornelia) had her lyrics sung by Radka Toneff, Dianne Reeves, Leena Conquest and Capathia Jenkins and collaborated with Javon Jackson on the 2022 album The Gospel According To Nikki Giovanni. Giovanni died December 9th at 81.
Tony Carter • John Kane • Michele Mannucci • Patricia Myers • Steve Novak • Wade Robertson • Ed Shanaphy • Pearl Williams • Jake Wynne
Anne Magouët (??? - ~December 7th, 2024) Among the French vocalist’s credits were albums by Geoffroy Tamisier, Kenny Wheeler, Marc Ducret, David Chevallier, Laurent Dehors, Caratini Jazz Ensemble, Emmanuel Scarpa and Gerardo Jerez-Le Cam. Magouët died ~December 7th at an unknown age.
Rashid Vally (1939 - December 7th, 2024) The South African producer founded the labels As-Shams/The Sun and Soultown, releasing albums by Gideon "Mgibe" Nxumalo, Dollar Brand/Abdullah Ibrahim, Pat Matshikiza, Kippie Moeketsi, Basil Coetzee, Tete Mbambisa, Sathima Bea Benjamin, Hal Singer, Mike Makhalemele, Richard “Groove” Holmes, Sakhile, Sipho Gumede, Hotep Idris Galeta, Pops Mohamed and others and also owned the Johannesburg record store Kohinoor. Vally died December 7th at ~85.
Stephen Ashworth • Dan Collins • Derek DaVault • Jim Drain • Jonathan Fairman • Dave Green • David Griffiths • Fred Hewitt • Tony Jackovich • Evelyn Horne • Dizzy Jackson • Sonny La Rosa • Malcolm le Grice • Gonzalo Liscano • Tom McCray • Dave Murell • Jón Nordal • Sly Randolph • Damon Sawyer
Frank Kirchner (1961 - December 1st, 2024) The German saxophonist, among his other work, was a member of X-Port and Mainpoint, had his own or co-led albums on DROPS and Ariola Express and sideman credits with Bianca Ciccu, Thomas Kessler and Christoph Spendel. Kirchner died December 1st at 63.
Hozumi Nakadaira (August 3rd, 1936 - December 1st, 2024) The Japanese photographer founded Tokyo’s DIG club in 1961, which became DUG in 1967 and was the site of live recordings by Albert Mangelsdorff, Mal Waldron, Carmen McRae, Barry Harris and others, had his images included in albums on Union, Philips, CBS/Sony, Three Blind Mice, Trio and other labels and wrote liner notes for Japanese reissues of American sessions. Nakadaira died December 1st at 88.
Carol Comer • Bill Cornell
Hans Hammerschmid (March 12th, 1930 - November 30th, 2024) The Austrian pianist, known as a pop composer, got his start with Vera Auer, Hans Koller, Bob Cooper and Max Greger. Hammerschmid died November 30th at 94.
Ulrich Olshausen (August 17th, 1933 - November 30th, 2024) The German author was a jazz critic for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, producer of radio programs for Hessischen Rundfunk, announcer for the Deutschen Jazzfestival Frankfurt and writer of liner notes for albums on SABA, MPS, Telefunken, ECM, West Wind, Doublemoon, Intakt, Enja, Jazzwerkstatt and Leo. Olshausen died November 30th at 91.
Günter Saalmann (June 29th, 1936 - November 30th, 2024) The German author and trombonist had collaborative albums with Joe Sachse since the ‘80s on Litera, Deutsche Grammophon, Carbon Edition and Phonector. Saalman died November 30th at 88.
Nathan Gordon • Raymond Huelbig • Roberta Penn • Steve Royall • Robert Skoglund • Lee Slater • Karla West
Artt Frank (March 9th, 1933 - November 27th, 2024) The drummer had albums on Dig Productions, MJA, Sweetheart and his own label alongside credits with Chet Baker (about whom he published the book Chet Baker: The Missing Years in 2013), David Liebman, Chris Clarke and others. Frank died November 27th at 91.
Tony Zorzi (1955 - November 27th, 2024) The guitarist was a member of 5 after 4 and had credits with Humber College Jazz Ensemble, Pat Perez, Vito Reza, Don Breithaupt, Bob DeAngelis, Hannah Burgé and Dominic Mancuso. Zorzi died November 27th at ~69.
Thomas Hylland Eriksen • Jim Kelleher • Brian Murphy • Tonko Ninić • Joseph Peterson • Dick Prendergast • Tony Totts
Anders Widmark (November 25th, 1963 - November 26th, 2024) The Swedish pianist had his own or co-led albums on Elin Music, Cupol, BLM Grammofon, Amigo, EMI Svenska, Kaza, Polar, Fairground, Sonet, EmArcy, Blue and Ladybird and credits with Stockholm Jazz Orchestra, Claes Janson, Egil “Bop” Johansen, Thomas Arnesen, Nils Landgren, Georg Riedel and Jan Löfgren. Widmark died November 26th at 61.
Brian Chadwick • Gilbert D'Alto • Leah Kunkel • Didier Mattei
Marvin "Doc" Holladay (January 30th, 1929 - November 25th, 2024) The baritone saxophonist and ethnomusicologist had credits with Stan Kenton, Woody Herman, Nat King Cole, Jimmy Smith, Oscar Peterson, Thad Jones/Mel Lewis Orchestra, Duke Ellington Orchestra and Dizzy Gillespie. Holladay died November 25th at 95.
Marti Dunn-Hall • Greg Sander
Héctor Veneros (1942 - November 24th, 2024) The Peru-born, Puerto Rico-based saxophonist/flutist worked with Jesus Caunedo, Miguelito Miranda, Mongo Santamaria, Angel "Cachete" Maldonado, Eddie Palmieri, Humberto Ramírez, Glenn Monroig and others. Veneros died November 24th at 82.
David Amaral • Don Compton • Lee Chong Heen • Lois Smith
Frank Demond (April 3rd, 1933 - November 21st, 2024) The trombonist and banjo player recorded with Albert Burbank, South Frisco Jazz Band, Kid Thomas Valentine, Willie Humphrey, Percy Humphrey, Sing Miller, Preservation Hall Jazz Band, Sing Miller, Sweet Emma Barrett, Joe Watkins and others. Demond died November 21st at 91.
Ernest Richards • Nelson Richards
Kelly Friesen (October 15th, 1967 - November 20th, 2024) The bassist/vocalist had a pair of self-released albums and credits with Ari Lahdekorpi, Ineke Van Doorn, Woody Allen, Ron Sunshine, Lisa Hearns, Dick Hyman, Lisa Casalino, Brian Skonberg, Emily Asher, Tara O'Grady and others and appeared in numerous films. Friesen died November 20th at 57.
Chris May (1946 - ~November 20th, 2024) The English author, AfroBeat expert and Fela Kuti scholar was a longtime contributor to, penning nearly 300 articles and over 1,000 album reviews, Editor of Black Music & Jazz Review from 1979-84, head of the London office of Celluloid Records and author of several books, including one on The Last Poets. May died ~November 20th at ~78.
Odile Bailleux • Patty Berg • Chris Engleman • Richard Pierson
Jordi Bonell (March 3rd, 1958 - November 18th, 2024) The Spanish guitarist, known for his work in progressive rock as a member of Secta Sònica, had albums on Origen, World Village, Frank Andrada Music and Temps and credits with Salvador "Mantequilla" Font, Max Sunyer, Joan Abril, Víctor De Diego and others. Bonell died November 18th at 66.
Denny Carrig • Charles Dumont • Ray Roy • Robert Tann
Diva Gray (September 14th, 1952 - November 16th, 2024) The singer (née Deborah) had, among her pop, disco and funk work, credits on albums by The Atlantic Family, David Spinozza, Ray Barretto, Meco Monardo, Herbie Mann, Marlena Shaw, Spyro Gyra, George Benson, David Sanborn, Nancy Wilson, Marcus Miller, Steps Ahead and Eliane Elias. Gray died November 16th at 72.
Gerry Weil (August 11th, 1939 - November 16th, 2024) The Austrian-born, Venezuelan-based pianist (né Gerhard Weilheim) was a member of La Banda Municipal, had albums since the ‘60s on Discos America, Mercury, Sony Music and Cacao Musica as well as several self-released dates and credits with Maria Rivas, Andrés Briceño, Rodolfo Reyes, Huáscar Barradas, Gonzalo Teppa, Pablo Gil, Maruja Muci, Virginia Ramírez, Ofelia del, Rosal, Juan Diego Villalobos and others. Weil died November 16th at 85.
Rido Bayonne • Bill Dabbs • John Fridy • Jay David Saks
José Chenoll (??? - November 15th, 2024) The Spanish trombonist and pedagogue was a member of Jazztet de Madrid and had credits with Pepe Nieto, Juan Carlos Calderón, Rafael Ferro, Donna Hightower and others. Chenoll died November 15th at an unknown age.
Aashish Khan (December 5th, 1939 - November 15th, 2024) Among the Indian sarod player’s credits were albums by Alice Coltrane, Charles Lloyd, John Handy, Kazumi Watanabe and George Brooks. Khan died November 15th at 84.
John Forbes • Arthur Harris • Herman Sabbe • John Scatena • Emerson "Bud" Schultz • John Westwood
David Yaffe (January 1st, 1973 - November 14th, 2024) The author, among his many books and articles, wrote Fascinating Rhythm: Reading Jazz in American Writing. Yaffe died November 14th at 51.
Manfred Eichel • Reiner Haebler • Ron Lloyd • Patrick Pasha • Michael Pierpaoli • Shuntaro Tanikawa
Charles Fishman (February 23rd, 1942 - November 12th, 2024) The producer was Dizzy Gillespie’s longtime manager, including his United Nations Orchestra, and founded the DC Jazz Festival in 2005. Fishman died November 12th at 82.
Roy Haynes (March 13th, 1925 - November 12th, 2024) The 1995 NEA Jazz Master (father to cornet player Graham and drummer Craig and grandfather to drummer Marcus Gilmore) was one of, if not the, most recorded drummers in jazz history, from his numerous albums on Metronome, EmArcy, Swing, New Jazz, Impulse, Pacific Jazz, Victor, Mainstream, RCA, Horo, Kitty, Galaxy, Blue Marge, Freelance, Evidence, Dreyfus, Evidence, Eighty-Eights and Explore to sideman credits since the late ‘40s with Louis Armstrong, Lester Young, Jackie Paris, Blossom Dearie, Wardell Gray, Charlie Parker, Brew Moore, Fats Navarro, Bud Powell, Babs Gonzalez, Al Haig, Kai Winding, Stan Getz, Herbie Steward, Miles Davis, Sonny Rollins, Lennie Tristano, Sarah Vaughan, Cal Tjader, Martial Solal, Jimmy Jones, Tony Scott, Nat Adderley, Eddie Shu, Milt Jackson, Red Rodney, Toshiko Akiyoshi, Thelonious Monk, Buddy Banks, Dorothy Ashby, Frank Wess, Art Farmer, Sam Most, John Handy, Phineas Newborn, Curtis Fuller, Bev Kelly, Billie Holiday, George Shearing, Betty Roché, Eric Dolphy, Etta Jones, Booker Little, Kenny Burrell, Oliver Nelson, Randy Weston, J.J. Johnson, Eddie “Lockjaw” Davis, Lem Winchester, Ray Charles, Tommy Flanagan, Ted Curson, Jaki Byard, Roland Kirk, Jackie Paris, McCoy Tyner, Steve Lacy, John Coltrane, Paul Gonsalves, Willis Jackson, Sonny Stitt, Andrew Hill, Jackie McLean, Charles Lloyd, Jimmy Forrest, Gary Burton, Shirley Scott, Archie Shepp, Arnie Lawrence, Leon Thomas, Jack DeJohnette, Chick Corea, Phil Woods, Pharoah Sanders, Larry Coryell, Albert Dailey, Clifford Jordan, Gato Barbieri, Shunzo Ohno, Duke Jordan, Dave Brubeck, Alice Coltrane, Dizzy Reece, Warne Marsh, Nick Brignola, Marion Brown, Sal Nistico, Isao Suzuki, Claude Williamson, Art Pepper, Stanley Cowell, Hank Jones, Red Garland, Joe Albany, Freddie Hubbard, Toshiyuki Honda, Michel Petrucciani, Don Sickler, Pat Metheny, Billy Pierce, Marc Isaacs, David Murray, Ali Ryerson, Kenny Barron, Thomas Clausen and others. Haynes died November 12th at 99.
Agnes Buen Garnås • Stan Davis • Bob Hughes • Carlos Maya • Joe Mosbrook • Camay Murphy • Wayne Selly
Jacky Milliet (1932 - November 10th, 2024) The Swiss clarinetist had albums on Evasion, Vogue and Disques Office and as a member of The New Ragtime Band worked with Bill Coleman, Benny Waters, Mezz Mezzrow, Albert Nicholas, Claude Luter, Barney Bigard and others. Milliet died November 10th at 92.
Ron Daggett • Tony Washington
Lou Donaldson (November 1st, 1926 - November 9th, 2024) The alto saxophonist and 2013 NEA Jazz Master was a Blue Note mainstay, with well over two dozen albums between 1952-63 and then 1967-74, alongside stints for Argo/Cadet, Cotillion, Muse, Timeless and Milestone, alongside one-offs for several labels, plus sideman work since the early ‘50s with Milt Jackson, Thelonious Monk, Clifford Brown, Art Blakey, Gene Ammons and Jimmy Smith and later guest spots with Red Garland, Mose Allison and Ximo Tebar. Donaldson died November 9th at 98.
Jim Gaines (October 2nd, 1941 - November 9th, 2024) Among the recording engineer’s many credits were albums by Turk Murphy, Wally Rose, George Duke, Eddie Henderson and The Neville Brothers. Gaines died November 9th at 83.
Judith Jamison • Vladimír Pinta • Emre Tukur
George Bohanon (August 7th, 1937 - November 8th, 2024) The trombonist was active from the ‘60s onward with Chico Hamilton, Roy Brooks, Bobby Bryant, Duke Lumumba, Bob Thiele, Don Ellis, Steve Allen, Jimmy Gordon, Ernie Watts, Sarah Vaughan, Herbie Mann, Charles Kynard, Joe Williams, Carmen McRae, Roy Burns, Patrice Rushen, The Blackbyrds, Gene Harris, Flora Purim, Gene Ammons, Freddie Hubbard, Hampton Hawes, Bert Myrick, Nancy Wilson, Donald Byrd, Harvey Mason, Cannonball Adderley, Quincy Jones, Moacir Santos, Dom Minasi, Brass Fever, Nat Adderley, Blue Mitchell, Alphonse Mouzon, Alice Coltrane, Joe Henderson, Stanley Turrentine, Johnny Hammond, Azar Lawrence, Sonny Rollins, Sonny Criss, Willie Tee, Stanley Clarke, Alphonso Johnson, Norman Connors, Ramsey Lewis, Herb Alpert, Jimmy Smith, Hubert Laws, Bobby Lyle, Benny Golson, Willie Bobo, Eddie Harris, Grady Tate, Pharoah Sanders, Wayne Henderson, Bill Summers, Les McCann, Sadao Watanabe, Leslie Drayton, Creative Arts Ensemble, Jean Carn, Lionel Hampton, Nina Simone, Ernestine Anderson, Stan Getz, Miles Davis, Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra, GRP All-Star Big Band, The Manhattan Transfer, Diane Schuur, Everette Harp, Milt Jackson, Horace Silver, Paul Jackson, Jr., Buddy Collette, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Louie Bellson, Gerald Wilson, Joey DeFrancesco, Diana Krall, Michael Bublé, Carmen Lundy, Count Basie Orchestra and others, numerous pop and rock session credits and his own dates for Workshop Jazz and Geobo Music. Bohanon died November 8th at 87.
Roy Cansdale • John Dupaquier • John Gittins • Tony Lenti • Margaret Lyon • Ken Meisinger • Jim Penning • Darrell “Peanut” Smith • Evandro Teixiera
Quincy Jones (March 14th, 1933 - November 3rd, 2024) Prior to his decades as one of the most revered and influential producers in music history, the trumpeter came up in the ‘50s with Lionel Hampton, Art Farmer, Gigi Gryce and Dizzy Gillespie, soon leading his own bands for dates on Prestige, ABC-Paramount, Mercury, Verve, Mainstream. RCA Victor, A&M and other labels, overseeing sessions by Billy Eckstine, Helen Merrill, Julius Watkins, Dinah Washington, Terry Gibbs, Shirley Horn, Sarah Vaughan, The Three Sounds, Roland Kirk, Louis Armstrong, George Benson, Ernie Watts, Nancy Wilson, Miles Davis, George Duke and Stanley Clarke, composing music for numerous films and television programs and having his tunes recorded by dozens of artists. Jones died November 3rd at 91.
Elaine Blood • Dave Lazorcik • Jehane Markham
Hans Schneider (1951 - November 2nd, 2024) The German bassist had cooperative releases on FMP, J.n.d., Uhlklang, Nur/Nicht/Nur, Bersiton, Creative Sources, Acheulian Handaxe and FMR, sideman credits with Georg Gräwe, Berlin Jazz Workshop, GrubenKlangOrchester, Horst Grabosch, King Übü Örchestrü, Stefan Keune, Earl Howard and Evan Parker and design work for many of the aforementioned artists and labels. Schneider died November 2nd at ~73.
Dave Tomlin (1934 - November 2nd, 2024) The career of the English multi-instrumentalist had early work with Bob Wallis and Mike Taylor and composing for Colosseum. Tomlin died November 2nd at 90.
Satoshi Hayashi • Stacie McGregor • Jorge Pomar
Dag Häggqvist (1941 - October 31st, 2024) The Swedish producer took over Gazell Records in 1957, going on to release albums by numerous native but also international musicians, and also produced sessions for Sonet, Argo, MCA and Verve. Häggqvist died October 31st at 83.
Philippe Méziat (1942 - October 31st, 2024) The author directed the Bordeaux Jazz Festival, co-wrote Histoire / histoires du Jazz dans le Sud-Ouest: De la Nouvelle-Orléans à la Nouvelle-Aquitaine (1859-2019), was an editor for Jazz Magazine and Citizen Jazz and had his photos and liner notes in albums released by Musica, Alba Musica, C.A.M. Jazz and Cristal Records. Méziat died October 31st at 82.
Greg Hildebrandt • John Johnson • Jeff Merrifield • Carlos Miralles • Milt Sernick • Ulrich Vollmer • Gil Wiest
Benjamin Brown (1952 - October 28th 2024) The bassist had credits with Dizzy Gillespie, Rodney Jones, John Stubblefield, Eartha Kitt, Lena Horne, Gloria Lynne, Joseph Daley and others. Brown died October 28th at 72.
Manuel "Guajiro" Mirabal (May 5th, 1933 - October 28th, 2024) The Cuban trumpeter was a founding member of the ‘90s group Buena Vista Social Club but had credits since the ‘60s with Orquesta Cubana De Música Moderna, Emiliano Salvador, Pablo Milanés, Rolando Baró, Afro-Cuban All Stars, ¡Cubanismo! and others. Mirabal died October 28th at 91.
Bob Ferro • Jerry Kay • Alan Kingstone • Jean Pelle • John Patrick Reilly • Brian "Scotty" Wilson
Thomas Gramuglia (December 6th, 1949 - October 26th, 2024) The producer owned Hindsight Records, which has released restored archival recordings by Count Basie, Bunny Berigan, Benny Carter, Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, Benny Goodman, Lionel Hampton, Stan Kenton, Jimmie Lunceford, Glenn Miller, Buddy Morrow, Russ Morgan, Artie Shaw, Charlie Spivak, Claude Thornhill and others. Gramuglia died October 26th at 74.
Bob Firnhaber • Don McKever • Tony Stewart
Eli Newberger (December 26th, 1940 - October 24th, 2024) The tuba player was a longtime member of The New Black Eagle Jazz Band, had albums on Stomp Off and credits with Bob Pilsbury and Jimmy Mazzy. Newberger died October 24th at 83.
Jack Hollenberg • Robert Todd
Alistair Robertson (March 3rd, 1941 - October 23rd, 2024) The Scots producer founded Hep Records in 1974, the label beginning with its Metronome series, ‘40s sessions by Americans, then expanding with the 1000 archival series, which also had British and European players, and the 2000 international modern mainstream series, releasing over 200 albums in total. Robertson died October 23rd at 83.
Jack Jones
Claire Daly (February 26th, 1958 - October 22nd, 2024) The saxophonist had albums on Koch Jazz, Glass Beach Jazz, Ride Symbol, Baritunes, NCBC Music and her own Daly Bread label alongside credits with Kit McClure, Taj Mahal, DIVA Jazz Orchestra, Marie McAuliffe, Joel Forrester, George Garzone, Mike Longo, JC Hopkins, Joe Fonda, Nora York, Warren Smith, Giacomo Gates, Norman Salant, Peter DiCarlo and others. Daly died October 22nd at 66.
Donald Miller (May 7th, 1958 - October 22nd, 2024) The guitarist was a founding member of Borbetomagus (with over two dozen albums since 1980), worked with William Hooker, Michael J. Schumacher and others and had his own or co-led albums on Audiophile Tapes, Klang Industries, Warpodisc, Sachimay, Feed and Seed, Alien Passengers, Vin Du Select Qualitite and Nakatani-Kobo. Miller died October 22nd at 66.
Ben Powell (October 21st, 1986 - October 22nd, 2024) The violinist had a pair of self-released albums then a 2021 album on Summit alongside credits with Cédric Hanriot, Michael Bublé, Herb Alpert, Misha Segal, Roch Lockyer, Terence Blanchard and Jordan Seigel and work on numerous soundtrack recordings. Powell died October 22nd at 38.
Maria Goodman Hunter • Vojtěch Havel • Rob Killam • Pat Lehman • Joan Rosselló
Barbara Dane (May 12th, 1927 - October 20th, 2024) Among the singer’s credits was work with Lu Watters, George Lewis, Benny Carter, Earl “Fatha” Hines, Don Ewell, Hot Club of San Francisco and others. Dane died October 20th at 97.
Kathy Sloane (July 14th, 1940 - October 20th, 2024) The photographer’s images appeared in albums by Eddie Marshall, Larry Vuckovich, Abbey Lincoln, John Hicks, Alive!, Pharoah Sanders, Freddie Hubbard, Tommy Flanagan/Jaki Byard, Gonzalo Rubalcaba and others, was included in Ken Burns’ Jazz series and collected in her book Keystone Korner: Portrait of a Jazz Club. Sloane died October 20th at 84.
Janusz Olejniczak • Molly Shepard
Matthew Raimondi (1928 - October 19th, 2024) Among the classical violinist’s many credits were albums by Eric Dolphy, Steve Kuhn, Tamba 4, Pucho and The Latin Soul Brothers, Roland Kirk, Hubert Laws, Walter Wanderley, Astrud Gilberto, Paul Desmond, Hermeto Pascoal, Ray Bryant, Freddie Hubbard, David “Fathead” Newman, Les McCann, Grover Washington, Jr., Bob James, David Sanborn, Sonny Stitt, Lalo Schifrin, Ralph McDonald, David Matthews, Gato Barbieri, Jaco Pastorius, The Brecker Brothers, Eddie Daniels, Maynard Ferguson, Harold Vick, Eric Gale, Hank Crawford, Chet Baker, Billy Cobham, Angela Bofill, Grant Green, Jay Hoggard, Spyro Grya, Morgana King, Sadao Watanabe, Michael Franks, Terumasa Hino, Paquito D’Rivera, Stanley Turrentine, Joe Lovano, Wynton Marsalis, Makoto Ozone, Janis Siegel and others. Raimondi died October 19th at 96.
Jeff Alpert • Joe Conway • Tony DiBartolomeo • Harry Fackelman • Mitzi Gaynor • Steve Hideg • Alan Mansfield • Philip Moody • Berndt Ostendorf • Javier Rivera • Dana Tapp
Robert Fulford (February 13th, 1932 - October 15, 2024) The Canadian journalist, among his other work, wrote about jazz for The Globe and Mail and DownBeat. Fulford died October 15th at 92.
Malcolm Armstrong • Matt Bonelli • Anne Brudevold • Olav Fermelin • Gianni Gherardi • Andy MacLean • Bob Seeley • H. Lee Southall • Gary Stroutsos
Bob Bequillard (~1932 - October 11th, 2024) The drummer was a 50-year veteran of The Galvanized Jazz Band, appearing on albums for Jazzology, Artesan and other labels and supporting Wild Bill Davidson, Teddy Wilson, Zoot Sims and others. Bequillard died October 11th at 92.
Don Heap (September 28th, 1912 - October 11th, 2024) The Australian bassist had credits with Don Ewell, Dick Hughes, Roger Janes, Paul Martin, Swing Street Orchestra, George Washingmachine, Tom Baker, Ian Cooper, Geoff Bull, Dan Barrett and others. Heap died October 11th at 103.
Vern Beacock • Judy "Jebry" Branch • Joan Franco • Mark Schulte • Louis Scolnik
Adam Abeshouse (1961 - October 10th, 2024) Among the producer’s many credits were albums by Ray Drummond, Horace Tapscott, Marlon Jordan, Gunther Schuller, Gregor Hübner, Richie Beirach, Elliott Sharp, Cecil Taylor, Darius De Haas, Stephane Wrembel, Bohemian Trio, Lara Downes and Uri Caine. Abeshouse died October 10th at 63.
Doug Sides (October 10th, 1942 - October 10th, 2024) The drummer was active from the ‘60s onward, recording with Johnny Griffin, Curtis Amy/Dupree Bolton, Sonny Stitt, Charles Kynard, Buddy Collette, John Handy, Duke Lumumba, Blue Mitchell, Rudolph Johnson, Kai Winding, Abbey Lincoln, John Wood, Joe Van Enkhuizen, Walter Bishop, Jr., Don Bennett, Billy Brooks, Fritz Krisse, Georg Rox, John Marshall, Ricky Ford, Dusko Goykovich, Ted Curson, Leonid Ptashka, Phil Woods and others alongside a pair of leader dates in 1997 and 2012. Sides died October 10th at 82.
Rolf Ekelund • Christine Hopkins • Tony Jagitsch • Billy Martinez • Johnny Neel • John Rudd • Bob "Sticks" Taylor • Dennis Tini
Michael Comins (October 23rd, 1932 - October 5th, 2024) Among the violinist’s many credits were albums by Nina Simone, Brooks Arthur, Lenny White, Eumir Deodato and Teruo Nakamura. Comins died October 5th at 91.
Tenley Johnson • Mimis Plessas • John Rohde
Takeshi Inomata (February 6th, 1936 - October 4th, 2024) The Japanese drummer had his own or co-led albums on KIng, Takt, Victor, Liberty, Warner Bros., MCA, Columbia, Express, Toho, RCA, Teichiku. CBS/Sony, Audio Lab., Toshiba, Fic, Yupiteru, Union, Malion, CTA and other labels to go with credits under Swing Journal All-Star Orchestra, Akira Watanabe, The Modern Jazz All Stars, Shin Watanabe, Konosuke Saijo, Modern Jazz Playboys, Sadao Watanabe, Seiji Hiraoka, Toshiko Akiyoshi, Akira Miyazawa, Helen Merrill, Shungo Sawada, Hiroshi Matsumoto, Hiroshi Suzuki, Mal Waldron, Fumiko Kikuchi, Shiro Michi, Toshiaki Yokota, Norihiko Hashida, Kimio Mizutani, Miho Kei, Tōsha Suihō, Seiji Yokohama, Norio Maeda, Okihiko Sugano, Tamaki Sawa, Kiyoshi Yamaya, Shoji Suzuki, Konosuke Saijo, Keiko Ohta, Hozan Yamamoto, Tadao Hayashi, Ichiro Masuda, Martha Miyake, Naoki Nishi, Tatsuya Takahashi, Hidemi Saito, Shoji Yokouchi, Fumiaki Miyamoto and others. Inomata died October 4th at 88.
Howard Drye • John Foley • Dave Lennox • Conny Sillén
Terje Bjørklund (January 2nd, 1945 - October 3rd, 2024) The Norwegian pianist/keyboard player/organist recorded with Egil Kapstad, Karin Krog, Bjørn Alterhaug, Sigurd Bjørhovde, Asmund Bjørken, Gunnar Andreas Berg, Thorgeir Stubø, Warne Marsh, Bjørn Johansen and others. Bjørklund died October 3rd at 79.
Marta Valdés (July 6th, 1934 - October 3rd, 2024) The Cuban guitarist and composer had albums on Areito, El Europeo Música and Unicornio Producciones Abdala and her music recorded by Doris De La Torre, Elena Burke, Emiliano Salvador, Juan De Marcos, Charlie Haden, Bola De Nieve, Javier Colina, Gema Corredera, Samy Thiébault, Manuel Valera, Chano Domínguez, Paola Lorenzi/Pedro Mena Peraza and others. Valdés died October 3rd at 90.
Siegfried Debrebant • Bill Guthrie
Pablo Nahar (1952 - October 2nd, 2024) The Surinamese bassist was a member of Farawe, led the Surinam Music Ensemble (with albums on SMA, Timeless and TBA), had a 1996 leader date for NOB and worked with with Candy Dulfer, Jan Akkerman, Joe Malinga, Jamaaladeen Tacuma, Wiebe Wilbers, Daniele D'Agaro/Benny Bailey, David Murray, Floris Nico Bunink, Doug Hammond and others. Nahar died October 2nd at 72.
Olivier Cosson • Elizabeth En Earl • Philip Feiner • Pat Sehr • Tommy Weatherley
Mel Lee (??? - September 30th, 2024) The drummer had credits with Harold Land, Mose Allison, John Anderson, LaMont Johnson, Andrew White, Herb Jeffries, Cedar Walton, Kenny Burrell, Billy Vera and others. Lee died September 30th at an unknown age.
Peter Opsvik (March 25th, 1939 - September 30, 2024) The Nowegian furniture designer (and father to bassist Eivind) was also a jazz saxophonist and wind player and longtime member of the Christiania Jazzband alongside credits with Håg Swinging Dept., Christiania 12 and his son and a single leader date from 1999. Opsvik died September 30th at 85.
Jacques Réda (January 24th, 1929 - September 30th, 2024) Among the French author’s works were reviews for Jazz Magazine since the ‘60s and several books including L'Improviste, Autobiographie du jazz and Le Grand orchestre. Réda died September 30th at 95.
Robert Fitzpatrick • Bobby Hinson • Andrzej Makowiecki
Warren Benbow (December 22nd, 1954 - September 29th, 2024) The drummer was a member of the trio Breath Of Air (with a 2022 session on Burning Ambulance), self-released several albums in the new millennium, had a long affiliation with James “Blood” Ulmer and credits with Ted Daniel, Larry Willis, Teruo Nakamura, Jonah Jones and others. Benbow died September 29th at 69.
Willie T. Colón (~1939 - September 29th, 2024) The conguero recorded with George Muribus, Tania Marie, Orquesta Esencia, Dee Bell/Eddie Duran, Buddy Montgomery, Cesar Ascarrunz, The Escovedo Brothers, Benny Velarde and others. Colón died September 29th at 85.
Terry Burns • Nicky Coppola • Arthur Daniels, Sr. • Rohan de Saram
John McNeil (March 23rd, 1948 - September 27th, 2024) The trumpeter had albums since the ‘70s on SteepleChase, Browstone, Synergy, Omnitone, Sunnyside and Destiny and his tunes recorded by Ben Waltzer/Bill McHenry, Sherrie Maricle, Sticks and Stones, Andrew Green, Paolo Fresu, Allegra Levy, Sylvia Cuenca and others. McNeil died September 27th at 76.
Amadee Castenell • Chris Felcyn • Dave Martin
Willem van Manen (September 3rd, 1940 - September 26th, 2024) The Dutch trombonist had his own or co-led albums on Heavy Soul Music and BVHaast and credits with Gunter Hampel, Instant Composers Pool, Theo Loevendie, Peter Brötzmann, Willem Breuker, Leo Cuypers, Orkest De Boventoon, Michael Sell, Orkest De Volharding, Loek Dikker, GrubenKlangOrchester, Niko Langenhuijsen, Future Shock, U3 Klang, Louis Andriessen and others. van Manen died September 26th at 84.
Jean-Claude Aunos • Bill “Jackson” Balsley • Chris Burke • Cliff Miller • Philip Shine • Haydn Thomas • Joe Turchiano • Bert Withers • Mike Withers
Osmar Milito (May 27th, 1941 - September 23rd, 2024) The Brazilian pianist had albums on Som Livre, ATCO, Soma, Continental, Columbia, Maz, Ventura and other labels and credits with Rosinha de Valença, Bossa Rio, Ivan Lins, Carlos Lyra, Pascoal Meirelles, Claudio Roditi, Hendrik Meurkens, Flora Purim, Paulo Russo, Carlos Malta and others. Milito died September 23rd at 83.
Julia Cleveland • Mark Fiorini
Benny Golson (January 25th, 1929 - September 21st, 2024) The tenor saxophonist and NEA Jazz Master, who was equally notable as a composer (including for television) with many of his tunes becoming part of the standard repertoire and recorded by hundreds of artists, had dozens of albums since the ‘50s on Riverside, United Artists, Contemporary, New Jazz, Argo, Audio Fidelity, Mercury, Verve, Twig, Columbia, Baystate, Denon, CTI, Drefyus, LRC, Dreyfus, Alfa Jazz, Meldac, Arkadia, Concord, Highnote, Blau and other labels, including several with The Jazztet band co-led with Art Farmer, alongside credits with Tadd Dameron, Clifford Brown, James Moody, Dizzy Gillespie, Lee Morgan, Sahib Shihab, Coleman Hawkins, Charlie Persip, Art Blakey, Art Farmer, Berry Carter, Jimmy Cleveland, Oscar Pettiford, Abbey Lincoln, Ernie Henry, Philly Joe Jones, Quincy Jones, Milt Jackson, Lem Winchester, Wynton Kelly, George Russell, Buddy Rich, Blue Mitchell, Curtis Fuller, Dinah Washington, Charles Mingus, Ahmed Abdul-Malik, Ernie Wilkins, Ernestine Anderson, John Lewis, Roland Kirk, Sarah Vaughan, Jon Hendricks, Kevin Mahogany, Dick Katz, Dominique Eade, Carol Sloane, Ron Carter, Miki Yamaoka, Rudolf Dašek and others. Golson died September 21st at 95.
Guy Gilbert • Al McCoy • Martin Rudy • Ken Ward • Dorothy “Dot” Watkins
Larry Bright (??? - September 20th, 2024) The drummer worked with Sun Ra in the mid ‘70s and Henry Threadgill in the ‘90s alongside a handful of leader dates since the ‘70s. Bright died September 20th at an unknown age.
A. James Liska (1951 - September 20th, 2024) The journalist wrote about jazz for Los Angeles Daily News, L.A. Times, Playboy and Hollywood Reporter, was the West Coast Editor for DownBeat Magazine and hosted a weekly jazz radio show. Liska died September 20th at 73.
Kim Richmond (July 24th, 1940 - September 20th, 2024) The reed and wind player worked with the Airmen of Note, Stan Kenton, Clare Fischer, Lalo Schifrin, Steve Spiegl, Bob Florence, Les Hooper, Pat Longo, Terry Bonnell, Gordon Brisker, John Rapson, Bill Tole, Jim Devlin, Paolo Nonnis, Jazz At The Movies Band, Joey Sellers, Brad Dutz, Jim Widner, Vinny Golia, Sammy Nestico, Rosemary Clooney, Gregg Field, Denny Brunk, Gary Urwin, John Rapson, Jim Martinez, John La Barbara, Mike Vax, Steve Lockwood, Mike Barone, Chris Walden, Stan Kenton Alumni Band, Jason Lee Bruns, Doug MacDonald, Hollywood Jazz Orchestra and others and had his own or co-led albums for Nine Winds, Chase Music Group, Origin, Mama and Jazz Compass. Richmond died September 20th at 84.
Clifford Bell • Tom Brun • Ralph Cross • Ira Greenstein • Charlie Holland • Conrad Joyce • Timmy Kwebulana • Primus Robinson • Peter Westbrook
Stephan Wittwer (March 1st, 1953 - September 18th, 2024) The Swiss guitarist was a member of COWWS' Quintett, had his own or co-led albums since the ‘70s on Bazillus, FMP, Sunrise, ECM, Calypso Now, Big Boss Editions Zurich, Intakt, For 4 Ears, Grob and Domzil and credits with Werner Lüdi, Rüdiger Carl, Fredy Studer, Christoph Baumann, Christoph Gallio, Butch Morris, Michael Wertmüller and others. Wittwer died September 18th at 71.
Gregory Oliva
Jimmie Smith (January 27th, 1938 - September 17th, 2024) The drummer had credits with Larry Young, Jimmy Forrest, Lambert, Hendricks & Bavan, Gildo Mahones, Pony Poindexter, Jimmy Witherspoon, Etta Jones, Jimmy McGriff, Richard “Groove” Holmes, Erroll Garner, Ike Isaacs, Jack Wilson, Willie Bobo, Kenny Burrell, Sonny Criss, Milt Jackson, Ray Brown, Harry Edison, Plas Johnson, Toshiko Akiyoshi, Illinois Jacquet, Benny Carter, Eddie “Lockjaw” Davis, Count Basie, Dizzy Gillespie, Ella Fitzgerald, Bill Henderson, Phineas Newborn, Ernestine Anderson, Hal Gordon, Harry “Sweets” Edison, Tommy Flanagan, Howard Roberts, Della Reese, Bob Cooper, Terry Gibbs, Charlie Byrd/Barney Kessel/Herb Ellis, Marshall Royal, Leslie Drayton, Eddie Barefield, Hank Jones, Barney Kessel, Gene Harris, Herb Ellis, Martin Taylor, Art Pepper, Red Holloway, Al Cohn, Arni Egilsson, Lorez Alexandria, Joe Pass/Tommy Gumina, Concord All Stars, Dave McKenna, Jim Sharpe, Takashi Miyazawa, Ayako Hosokawa, Jimmy Smith, Kiyoshi Takeshita, Lee Konitz/Gary Foster, Lew Tabackin, Osamu Ichikawa, Ichiro Masuda and others. Smith died September 17th at 86.
Tony Haynes • Ulrich Vette
Billy Edd Wheeler (December 9th, 1932 - September 16th, 2024) The songwriter had his music recorded by, among many others, Peggy Lee, George Shearing, Ramsey Lewis, Claude Bolling, Russell Malone and Seth McFarlane. Wheeler died September 16th at 91.
Reggie Graham • Larry Green • Tom Henson • Marvin Lerman • Richard Lichtenstein • Joël Mettay • Peter Saitta • Jon Seiger
Olaf Kübler (September 8th, 1937 - September 12th, 2024) The German saxophonist/flutist, alongside his work in rock, pop and blues and as a producer, had credits with Mac Reinmann, Joe Haider, Paul Nero, Klaus Doldinger, Amon Düül II, Kristian Schultze, Can, Wolfgang Schmid and Peter Thomas and a handful of leader dates for Löwenzahn, Village, ACT and Enja. Kübler died September 12th at 87.
Jeremy Huggett
Arthur Edghill (July 21st, 1926-September 10th, 2024) The drummer recorded with Kenny Burrell, Kenny Dorham, Little Jimmy Scott, Mal Waldron, Eddie “Lockjaw” Davis, Shirley Scott, Al Smith, Mildred Anderson and David Amram. Edghill died September 10th at 98.
Haroldo Jobim (1948 - September 10th, 2024) The Brazilian drummer was a founding member of Fogueira Três and later worked with Ithamara Koorax. Jobim died September 10th at ~76.
Jock Budelman • Sharon Valleau
Caterina Valente (January 14th, 1931 - September 9th, 2024) Among the French-Italian singer’s many credits were dates with Kurt Edelhagen, Werner Müller, Sy Oliver, John Keating, Manfred Krug and Count Basie Orchestra. Valente died September 9th at 93.
Michael Eagleton • Evelyn Hawkins
Mario "Machito Jr." Grillo (??? - September 8th, 2024) The percussionist took over his father Machito’s band in the ‘80s and had credits with Dizzy Gillespie, David Amram, Alfredo "Chocolate" Armenteros and others. Grillo died September 8th at an unknown age.
Shoro Kawazoe (January 27th, 1941 - September 8th, 2024) The Japanese producer co-founded the Alfa label, which released albums by Jun Fukamachi, Kazumi Watanabe, Michel Legrand, Bernard Ighner, Kenjo Omura, Kenny Drew and, most notably, the early catalogue of Casiopea. Kawazoe died September 8th at 83.
Alvin Dyers • Ron Hayden • Larry Shapiro
Dan Morgenstern (October 24th, 1929 - September 7th, 2024) The jazz critic, historian and recipient of 2007 A.B. Spellman Jazz Masters Award for Jazz Advocacy from the National Endowment for the Arts, was head of the Institute of Jazz Studies at Rutgers University from 1976-2011, editor for Metronome then Jazz then DownBeat magazines and author and/or editor of books, articles and reviews and hundreds of liner notes for dozens of labels, the latter for which he won eight Grammy Awards. Morgenstern died September 7th at 94.
Toño González • Steve Leathers
Martin France (February 29th, 1964 - September 5th, 2024) The British drummer was a member of First House, which had a pair of ‘80s ECM albums, and Perfect Houseplants and had credits with Iain Ballamy, Julian Argüelles, Huw Warren, Steve Buckley, Michiel Braam, Django Bates, Mark Lockheart, John Parricelli, Geoff Simkins, Charlie Mariano, John Taylor, Justin Quinn, Chris Laurence, Gwilym Simcock, François Corneloup, James Chadwick, Kenny Wheeler, Michael Gibbs, Dominic Alldis, Fima Ephron and others. France died September 5th at 60.
Sérgio Mendes (February 11th, 1941 - September 5th, 2024) The Brazilian pianist had early credits with Herbie Mann, Cannonball Adderley and Paul Winter, his own releases on Philips, Atlantic, Atco, Som Livre, Capitol, A&M, Elenco, Bell, Epic, Elektra, Polygram, Verve, Concord, Okeh and other labels and had his music recorded by Milton Banana, Samba Trio, Le Trio Camara, Mark Murphy, Dino Gontez, Art Farmer, ORF Big Band, Cal Tjader, Helen Merrill, Cleo Laine, Bill Kirchner, Sarah Vaughan, Joanne Brackeen, Paul Bollenback, Sheila Jordan, Full Spectrum Jazz Band, Stacey Kent, Jane Monheit, Youn Sun Nah and others. Mendes died September 5th at 83.
Maarten van Norden (November 1st, 1955 - September 5th, 2024) The Dutch saxophonist was a member of Orkest De Boventoon, Willem Breuker Kollektief, Future Shock, Contraband and Orkest De Volharding, worked with Willem van Manen, Martin Van Duynhoven and Leo Cuypers and had his own or co-led albums on BV Haast and Attacca. Van Norden died September 5th at 68.
Franco Etti • Herbie Flowers • Frazer Goodman
Graham Lyons (1936 - September 4th, 2024) The British multi-instrumentalist released a 7” single, Jazz Bassoon, in 1967 and also had credits with The Temperence Seven, Phil Seamen, Alan Tew, New Paul Whiteman Orchestra and Herman Wilson alongside his work in classical music, pedagogy and instrument design. Lyons died September 4th at 87.
Marc Van Den Hoof (1946 - September 4th, 2024) The Belgian journalist and saxophonist had several programs on VRT Radio, wrote articles for various publications and produced albums for Dreyfus Jazz, Blue Note, Verve and W.E.R.F. Van Den Hoof died September 4th at 78.
Joe Boley • Cass Cacciatore • Jack Long • Sybil Morial • Edward Trester
James Darren ((June 8th, 1936 - September 2nd, 2024) The singer and actor (né Ercolani) had albums since the ‘50s on Colpix, Warner Bros., Kirshner and Concord. Darren died September 2nd at 88.
Donald Rothchild
Michael Billard (November 6th, 1963 - September 1st, 2024) The Canadian drummer had credits with Roy Patterson, Jeff Johnston, Patrick Boyle and others. Billard died September 1st at 60.
Davor Kajfeš (October 6th, 1934 in Zagreb - September 1st, 2024) The Croatian pianist (father to trumpeter Goran) was a member of the Zagreb Jazz Quartet (active in the ‘60s, reuniting in the ‘80s) and also had credits with RTV Zagreb Big Band, Alice Babs and Boško Petrović alongside his own or co-led albums for Jugoton, Nosag, Gason and Headspin. Kajfeš died September 1st at 89.
Teresa Bright
Andrew Ennis • Kurt Krahn • Dick Prestage • Paul Sparrow
George French (February 23rd, 1944 - August 28th, 2024) The bassist/vocalist was part of a noted New Orleans musical family, he and his older drummer brother Bob going on to inherit the Original Tuxedo Jazz Band from their father Albert, and also worked with Tradition Hall Jazz Band, Germaine Bazzle, Dirty Dozen Brass Band, Wendell Brunious, The New Orleans C.A.C. Jazz Orchestra and others and released his own albums in the ’90s-00s. French died August 28th at 80.
Spencer Lee • Steve Silberman
Makaya Ntshoko (October 29th, 1939 - August 27th, 2024) The drummer was a member of The Jazz Epistles and worked with Dollar Brand and Gideon Nxumalo in his native South Africa, then fled Apartheid to settle in Europe where he had credits with Sathima Bea Benjamin, Brew Moore, Ben Webster, Stuff Smith, Dexter Gordon, Leo Wright, Benny Bailey, Duško Gojković, Finn Savery, Hugh Masekela, Pepper Adams, John Tchicai-Irène Schweizer, Joe McPhee, Bob Degen, NICRA, Marvin “Hannibal” Peterson, Mal Waldron, Johnny Dyani, Alfred Harth, Brigitte Bader, Jürgen Wuchner, Stephan Kurmann and Omri Ziegele alongside a 1974 leader date for Enja and then another in 2006 for SteepleChase. Ntshoko died August 27th at 84.
MaryAnn Anselmo • Freddie Crespo • Clive Govinden • Robert Knatt • Chris Lowell • Trudi Mann • Harry Peacock
Christopher Riddle (1950 - August 24th, 2024) The trombonist/tuba player was the son of famed bandleader/composer/arranger Nelson Riddle and led his namesake band as well as recording with Ella Fitzgerald, Natalie Cole and Ollie Mitchell. Riddle died August 24th at 74.
Ann Alex • Barry Cluskey • Tim King • Bruce Nielsen • Tom Reese
Russell Malone (November 8th, 1963 - August 23rd, 2024) The guitarist had albums since the ‘90s on Columbia, Impulse, Venus, Verve, Telarc, MaxJazz and HighNote alongside credits with Harry Connick, Jr., Branford Marsalis, Don Braden, Nat Simpkins, Hal Willner, Diana Krall, Johnny O’Neal, Roy Hargrove, Benny Green, Dave Grusin, Terell Stafford, Stephen Scott, Mose Allison, Tony Reedus, Christian McBride, Ray Brown, Janis Siegel, Etta Jones, David Benoit, Jimmy Smith, Regina Carter, Kenny Barron, Dianne Reeves, Gary Burton, Shirley Horn, Harry Allen, Claus Ogerman, Marian McPartland, David Sanborn, Ron Carter, James Williams, Joe Wilder, Billy Taylor, Gerald Wilson, Cyrus Chestnut, Jon Faddis, Jeff Lorber, Stefano Di Battista, Alvin Batiste, Freddie Hubbard, Grace Kelly, Jimmy Cobb, Steve Turre, CTI All-Stars, Stanley Jordan, Sonny Rollins, Frank Wess, Ben Wolfe, Bill Mobley, Jeff “Tain” Watts, Gerald Cannon, Akua Dixon, Vincent Herring, Jimmy Heath, Houston Person, Leon Lee Dorsey and others. Malone died August 23rd at 60.
Werner Bokelberg • Edward Berg • Denis Fleisch • Alfred Hall • Sean Lawson • Michio Mikazaki • Dennis Reaser • Norm Rosenblatt • Sergio Ward • James "Ismail" West • Rod Williams (saxophone)
Johnny "Dandy" Rodriguez (September 11th, 1945 - August 17th, 2024) Among the Latin percussionist's many credits were sessions with Art Blakey, Willie Bobo, Ray Barretto, Orlando Marin, Gene Harris, Charlie Palmieri, David “Fathead” Newman, The Manhattan Transfer, David Amram, Latin Percussion Jazz Ensemble, Naoya Matsuoka, Terry Gibbs, Paquito D’Rivera, Lionel Hampton, Doug Beavers and others. Rodriguez died August 17th at 78.
Bob Ayres • Phyllis Brinkerhoff • Graeme Davies • Wayne Feschuk • Ray Gonzalez • Mike Henshall • Christian Kuether • Robert Lindner • Yvonnick Penven • Alan Piccin • Peter Polatin • Dean Roberts • Paul Routledge • Joep van Leeuwen • Woody Woodhouse
Laura Littardi (??? - August 12th, 2024) The Italian singer, long based in France, had a 2017 album on VLF Productions, was a member of 6 1/2 and Les Frères Souissi and worked with Giovanni Mirabassi, Olivier Ker-Ourio, Joe Fonda, Louis Moutin, Sylvain Beuf, Dedé Ceccarelli and others. Littardi died August 12th at an unknown age.
Marcellino Latupeirissa
David Brown (??? - August 11th, 2024) Alongside the guitarist’s work in rock and pop were credits with Bob James, Deodato and Kirk Whalum. Brown died August 11th at an unknown age.
Emil Sokasits
John Kelman (1956 - August 10th, 2024) The erstwhile editor (né Dave Binder) of and longtime contributor to wrote liner notes for releases on Criss Cross, ECM, HighNote, Rune Grammofon, hatOLOGY, MoonJune, Cuneiform, Whaling City, ESC and other labels. Kelman died August 10th at ~68.
John McBeath • Peggy Moffitt • Christy Smith • Brian Towers • Carl Weathersby
Jack Mouse (May 29th, 1946 - August 8th, 2024) The drummer, who co-founded Flashpoint Creative Arts with singer/wife Janice Borla, came up with the USAF Academy Falconaires, worked with Clark Terry, Stan Kenton band, Bunky Green, John LaPorta, Herb Ellis, Joe Williams, Dan Haerle and others and released several leader or co-led albums in the new millennium. Mouse died August 8th at 78.
Lee Brown • Lew Friend • Félix Vílchez López • Marianne Mekknäs
Robert Routch (~1949 - August 5th, 2024) Aside from his classical work, the French horn player had a 1989 album on Sunnyside and work with Jimmy Heath, Kirk Lightsey, Dizzy Gillespie, Gunther Schuller, Stephanie Nakasian, Mingus Big Band, Carla Bley, Phil Woods, Butch Lacy, Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra, Quincy Jones, Gerry Mulligan and others. Routch died August 5th at 75.
Llew Matthews (March 21st, 1946 - August 4th, 2024) The pianist and arranger had albums on M & I, co-led Windsongs and worked with Carl Burnett, Mat Marucci, Robert Conti, Nika Rejto, Nancy Wilson (with whom he won two Grammy awards), Barbara Paris, Robert Kyle, Thiago De Mello, Carmen Lundy, Gigi MacKenzie, Kristin Korb, Ken Song, Rickey Woodard, Rita Edmond, Lyn Stanley, John B. Williams, Count Basie Orchestra and others. Matthews died August 4th at 78.
Antonino Esposito • Anthony Hamilton-Smith
Dolph Castellano (1935 - August 3rd, 2024) The pianist (and twin brother of late fellow pianist Tony) worked with The Westchester Workshop, Woody Herman, Sam Donahue, Jimmy Dorsey, Art Moony, Ralph Marterie, Charlie Spivak, Cy Zentner, Ira Sullivan, Pete Minger, Chubby Jackson, Lou Donaldson, Donald Byrd, Ronnie Turso and others. The pianist died August 3rd at ~90.
Tom Evered (~1955 - ~August 3rd, 2024) The jazz industry professional was General Manager/Senior Vice President of Blue Note Records in the early Aughts, working with both new artists and reissuing albums, and also penned liner notes for several releases. Evered died ~August 3rd at ~69.
Shaun Martin (August 23rd, 1978 - August 3rd, 2024) The keyboard player and composer had three albums on Ropeadope, work with Spike Lee, Ledisi, Guru, Mark Lettieri and others among his numerous gospel and pop credits and was a longtime member of Snarky Puppy. Martin died August 3rd at 45.
Katie Laur • Jim Progris
Toninho Barbosa (??? - August 2nd, 2024) Among the Brazilian engineer’s many credits were albums by Chico Barque, Ivan Lins, Baden Powell, João Donato, Elis Regina, Danilo Caymmi, Antonio Adolfo, Azymuth, Boca Livre, Ivan Conti, Yana Purim, Pascoal Meirelles, Dom Um Romao, Carlos Lyra, Ithamara Koorax, Alexia Bomtempo and Marcos Resende. Barbosa died August 2nd at an unknown age.
Nicolae Covaci • Bob Filer • James Kelley • Andrew Klein • Olivia Revueltas
Ron Johnston (??? - July 31st, 2024) The Canadian pianist had a 1968 CBC Radio Canada album and a self-released new millennium session, was a member of Pacific Salt and worked with Dave Robbins, Ian McDougall, Fraser MacPherson, Corky Corcoran, Gary Guthman, Karen Young, Paul Horn, Sandro Carlo Camerin, Philippe Lapointe, Dylan Cramer, June Katz and others. Johnson died July 31st at an unknown age.
Bob Cartwright • Lenny Lendrum • Everett Lynn • Charles Martyn • Ife Mtume • Sefton Samuels • Marko Schindler • Robert Grant Scott • Geoff Senn
Joaquín "J.J." Oliveros (September 11th, 1945 - July 27th, 2024) The Cuban flutist worked with Emiliano Salvador, Chucho Valdés, Afro-Cuban All Stars, Habana Jam Session, Ernán López-Nussa, Habana Express, Orquesta América and others. Oliveros died July 27th at 78.
Patricia Balrack • Michael Barth • Gilbert Cassand • José Dos Santos • Charles Juliet • Jean-Maurice Lenne • Paul Marchetti • Alex Rottlaender • Oscar Smith • Charlie Whitehill • Tadashi Yabe
Florian Poser (April 15th, 1954 - July 21st, 2024) The German vibraphonist had leader or co-led albums since the ‘80s on Pläne, World of Music, Stockfisch, Edition Collage, Wonderland, Atmosphere and Acoustic Music and credits with Andre Rebstocks, Peter Finger, Klaus Ignatzek, Tim Renken, Martin Müller, Giora Feidman and others. Poser died July 21st at 70.
Charles Barnes • Neil McKenzie • Kenneth E. Ramseur • Bill Rouselle • Doug Saxon
Gary Curson (1948 - July 19th, 2024) The British saxophonist was a member of Dreamtime, led The Number and co-led Jackout and worked with Louis Moholo, Keith Tippett, Paul Dunmall and others. Curson died July 19th at ~76.
Toumani Diabaté (August 10th, 1965 - July 19th, 2024) Among the Malian kora player’s credits were dates with Cheick Tidiane Seck, Roswell Rudd, Dee Dee Bridgewater and Herbie Hancock. Diabaté died July 19th at 58.
Lionel Batiste, Jr.
Mike Wills (??? - July 18th, 2024) The British saxophonist worked with Dave Moorwood, The awayTEAM, Lains Barns Allstars, Century Jazz, Martin Pickett, Big Bear Stompers, Martin Hart and others. Wills died July 18th at an unknown age.
Roger Alonso • Midge Bowman • Josephine Fusco • Charles Garrett • John Hargreaves • Bob Reynolds • Slobodan Sokolovic
Irène Schweizer (June 2nd, 1941 - July 16th, 2024) The Swiss pianist was one of her country’s most significant musicians, having early leader and/or collaborative dates on SABA, Bazillus, Ogun, FMP, Willisau Live and hatHUT alongside work with Pierre Favre, Manfred Schoof, Joe McPhee and Joëlle Léandre, then dozens of leader or co-led albums for Intakt from 1984-2019, a label that was initially founded to document her work, including the group Les Diaboliques and numerous duets with an internation cast of drummers, alongside credits with Rüdiger Carl, Peter Kowald, Barry Guy, Mario Schiano, Mani Neumeier, Urs Voerkel, Ensemble Oggimusica, Tommy Meier, Trio 3, Jürg Wickihalder and others. Schweizer died July 16th at 83.
Ravi Knypstra • Mike Miller • Pete Oxborough
Sandra Booker (~1967 - July 15th, 2024) The vocalist self-released two albums in the ‘90s-00s and worked with Lalo Schifrin, Wynton Marsalis, Billy Higgins, Billy Mitchell, Phil Upchurch, Ernie Watts, Gerald Wiggins, Patrice Rushen, Wolfgang Haffner, Dale Fielder, Roberto Miranda, Larry Koonse and others. Booker died July 15th at ~57.
Homer Jackson • Heikki Jäntti • Vanessa McClinchy • Karol White
Charles "Lolo" Bellonzi (January 14th, 1941 - July 11th, 2024) The French drummer had a couple of reference records in the late ‘60s-early ‘70s and then leader dates in the ‘80s-90s alongside work with Stéphane Grappelli, Guy Lafitte, René Thomas, Lou Bennett, Martial Solal, Paris Jazz All Stars, Buck Clayton, Vladimir Cosma, Bill Coleman, Sonny Grey, Maurice Vander, Jean Bonal, Ivan Jullien, Robert Viger, Patrick Moulou, Jack Diéval, Walter Bishop, Jr., Steve Grossman, Tony Petrucciani, Richard Galliano, Serge Casero, Joseph Ganter, André Persiany, Luigi Trussardi, Claude Garden, Olivier Giraudo/François Chassagnite and others. Bellonzi died July 11th at 83.
Jeremy Bacon • George Davidson • Wayne Enage • Earle Gullins, Jr. • Thomas Höpker • Renee Long • Fred Pomerantz • Marcel Schimscheimer • Vernon Varnum
Jim Rotondi (August 28th, 1962 - July 7th, 2024) The trumpeter had nearly two dozen albums on Criss Cross, Sharp Nine, Venus, Posi-Tone, SmallsLIVE, Smoke Sessions and Cellar Live, was a member of One For All and Full House and had credits with Eric Alexander, Killer Ray Appleton, Ann Hampton Callaway, Charles Earland, Steve Davis, Bill Mobley, Giacomo Gates, David Hazeltine, Paul Bollenback, Dena DeRose, Cecil Payne, Toshiko Akiyoshi, Mike DiRubbo, Mike LeDonne, Kyle Eastwood, Joe Farnsworth, Dmitri Kolesnik, Bob Mintzer, Ofer Assaf, Peter Hand, Cory Weeds, Alexis Cole, Ed Neumeister, Fabio Miano, We Five and others. Rotondi died July 7th at 61.
Charlie Almeida • Don Bates • William Bruno • Denise Dotson • Stanley Gibb • Freddie Hill • Rasheed Howard • Joe Lee • Henry Long, Sr. • Rob McKenzie • Lenward Seals • Dave Silk
Tom Fowler (June 10th, 1951 - July 2nd, 2024) The bassist, part of a noted musical family best known for its association with Frank Zappa, also co-led Air Pocket and The Fowler Brothers with his siblings and had credits with George Duke, Jean-Luc Ponty, Thom Teresi and Ray Charles. Fowler died July 2nd at 73.
Richard Bromley • Upali Fernando • Antonio "Totinho" Gomes • Milton Lee Johnson
Larry Monroe (1939 - July 1st, 2024) The saxophonist worked with Buddy Rich, Dizzy Gillespie, Gary Burton and others, led his own octet and was longtime faculty at Berklee College of Music. Monroe died July 1st at 84.
Ismail Kadare
Stephen Goldberg
Pete Riso (April 9th, 1949 - June 29th, 2024) The drummer worked extensively with Cal Tjader as well as Clare Fischer, Art Pepper, Poncho Sanchez and others. Riso died June 29th at 75.
Patty Waters (March 11th, 1946-June 29th, 2024) The singer was part of the ESP-Disk stable, making two albums for the label in 1965-66, and also appearing on a 1969 Marzette Watts Savoy session, then, after being away from music for nearly 30 years, coming back on the scene with releases on Jazz Focus, Water, DBK Works, Otoroku, Blank Forms Editions, Clean Feed and her own label. Waters died June 29th at 78.
Frank McNulty • Ricardo Sarandría
Bob Chmel (August 1943 - June 28th, 2024) The drummer worked with the ghost bands of Glenn Miller, Artie Shaw, Jimmy Dorsey, Benny Goodman, Les and Larry Elgart and Woody Herman as well as Frank Sinatra, Jr., Bill Dobbins, Rob Parton, Jazz Members Big Band Of Chicago, Chicago Metropolitan Jazz Orchestra, Walt Boenig, Birch Creek Academy Band and others. Chmel died June 28th at 80.
Stan Perry (??? - June 28th, 2024) The Canadian drummer was a stalwart of the Toronto jazz scene and worked with Phil Nimmons, Norm Amadio, Oscar Peterson and others. Perry died June 24th at an unknown age.
Alex Theus (~1952 - June 27th, 2024) The Swiss pianist had albums on Plainisphare, was a member of Piano Seven and collaborated with Léon Francioli, Olivier Clerc, Daniel Bourquin and Jean-Pierre Pasquier. Theus died June 27th at 72.
Stefan Werni (September 25th, 1967 - June 27th, 2024) The German bassist had a handful of leader or co-led albums in the new millennium alongside credits since the ‘90s with Eckard Koltermann, Herbie Klinger, Susanne Riemer, Achim Kämper, Stephan Mattner, Ernst Dittke, Sheila Jordan/Sabine Kühlich, Hartmut Kracht, Sven Bergmann, Stefan Michalke, Peter Halves/Timo Vaut and Ingo Marmulla and membership in Das Letzte Kammerensemble, Trio Infernal, Blue Belle, Billmen and PST !. Werni died June 27th at 56.
Donald Kurtz
Gary Grant (July 13th, 1945 - June 26th, 2024) Among the trumpeter’s hundreds of credits in the rock, pop, film and TV worlds was work with UNT One O’Clock Lab Band, Woody Herman, Alphonse Mouzon, Alphonso Johnson, Stanley Clarke, Norman Connors, Harvey Mason, Willie Bobo, George Duke, Nancy Wilson, Gap Mangione, Ben Sidran, The Blackbyrds, Sammy Nestico, Freddie Hubbard, Peter Herbolzheimer, Larry Carlton, The Manhattan Transfer, George Benson, Ernie Watts, Sadao Watanabe, Diane Schuur, Rodger Fox, Joe Sample, Narada Michael Walden, Herb Alpert, Frank Gambale, Dianne Reeves, Curtis Stigers, Russ Freeman, Dave Weckl, Wayne Bergeron, Arturo Sandoval, Lorraine Feather, Kenny G, Jamie Cullum, Gregory Porter and others. Grant died June 26th at 78.
Jarmo Sermilä (August 16th, 1939 - June 26th, 2024) The Finnish trumpeter/composer had several leader albums on his Jase imprint, cooperative dates with Edward Vesala, Rudolf Dašek, Emil Viklický and Teppo Hauta-aho, credits with Willem Breuker and Jouni Kesti and membership in Finnczech Quartet and Paraneuro. Sermilä died June 26th at 84.
Nils Espinosa • Vinny Vella
Jewel Brown (August 30th, 1937 - June 25th, 2024) The singer released singles on Duke and Liberty in the ‘50s-60s, worked with Louis Armstrong throughout the ‘60s, co-led a 1987 Fantasy album with Dizzy Gillespie and Arnett Cobb and another with Milton Hopkins in 2012 on Dialtone and had guest credits with Heritage Hall Jazz Band and Bloodest Saxophone. Brown died June 25th at 86.
Geoff Cole (1934 - June 25th, 2024) The British trombonist worked with Johnny Dankworth, Ken Colyer, Johnny Bastable, Gerald Bright, Brian White, George Probert, The Goin' Home Band, The Church Alley Irregulars, Sarah Spencer, Johnny Parker and others and led his Hot Five and Hot Seven bands for several albums on Jazz Crusade. Cole died June 25th at 90.
“Papa” John DeFrancesco (September 12th, 1940 - June 25th, 2024) The organ player and singer (father to late fellow organ player Joey and guitarist Johnny) had albums since the ‘90s on Muse, HighNote and Savant and guest spots with Joey. DeFrancesco died June 25th at 83.
Tam Fiofori (1942 - June 25th, 2024) The Nigerian filmmaker was involved with Sun Ra in the ‘60s-70s as his manager as well as recording concerts and writing liner notes. Fiofori died June 25th at 82.
Chude Mondlane
Helen Matthews (November 22nd, 1943 - June 24th, 2024) The Australian singer and jazz promoter had a long career producing concerts, was director of the Fremantle Jazz Festival, held various positions within the Perth Jazz Society, performed in numerous ensembles and released three albums. Matthews died June 24th at 80.
Dorian Crow • Dorothy Dunne • Dent Hand • Charles Sekano
James Polk (September 10th, 1940 - June 21st, 2024) The pianist/organ player/pedagogue and Austin stalwart worked with Ray Charles, Leslie Drayton, Carmen Bradford, Elias Haslanger, Maryann Price, Austin Jazz Workshop and others and released albumson his Twink label. Polk died June 21st at 83.
Mike Bolejack • Don Cobb • Les Davis • Martin Murray • Biff Smith • Vertti Teräsvuori • Jukka Tuovinen
Richard Okon (~1945 - June 19th, 2024) The jazz industry veteran managed Larry Coryell, Terumasa Hino, Kazumi Watanabe, Yosuke Yamashita and others as well as New York’s Blue Note and Iridium jazz clubs. Okon died June 19th at ~79.
James Chance • Jan Cremer • Howard Goodrich
Lonnie Gasperini (January 23rd, 1953 - June 17th, 2024) The organ player had new millennium leader dates on Keyclick and Doodlin’, worked with Duke Robillard, Paul Gabriel and others and had one of songs recorded by Dr. Lonnie Smith. Gasperini died June 17th at 71.
Lee Askew II • Nick Fields • Cedric Napoleon • Philani Ngidi • John Rautenbach
Jim Cameron (1941 - June 15th, 2024) The saxophonist played and/or recorded with Lou Donaldson, Jimmy Garrison, Papa Joe Jones, Phil Woods, Buddy Tate, Red Holloway, Teddy Kotick, Clark Terry, Bunny Smith, Dave Rasmussen, Paul Combs, Bob Nieske and others. Cameron died June 15th at 82.
Kazuko Shiraishi (~1931 - June 14th, 2024) The Canadian-Japanese poet collaborated with Sam Rivers, Sabu Toyozumi and Itaru Oki and wrote liner notes for albums by Toyozumi, John Coltrane, Sachi Hayasaka and Kemmy Nisioka. Shiraishi died June 14th at 93.
Gloria Bivens • Angela Bofill • Henri Bonifay • John Buchanan • Charles Stephens
Edgar Alan Brightbill (July 8th, 1960 - June 12th, 2024) The artist designed album covers for releases on Ramp, Rastascan, Balance Point Acoustics and 482 Music. Brightbill died July 12th at 63.
Ray Mosca (July 26th, 1932 - June 12th, 2024) The drummer worked with Cy Coleman, Oscar Pettiford, Mary Lou Williams, Aaron Bell, Lennie Tristano, George Wallington, Hampton Hawes, Dave Carey, Freddie Gambrell, George Shearing, Billy Taylor, Rolf Kühn, Monty Alexander, Carmen Leggio, Chet Baker, Dave McKenna, Bobby Hackett, Earl Hines, Louis Smith, Dorothy Donegan, Nabil Totah, Doc Cheatham, Ray Alexander, Stephanie Nakasian, Mike Longo, Hal Schaefer, Gray Sargent, Arvell Shaw, Flip Phillips and others. Mosca died June 12th at 91.
Tony Bari • Walt Lahman • Gerald Nassif • Tom Serling
Axel Kühn (April 1963 - June 11th, 2024) The German saxophonist had a 2012 album on Enja and worked with Harald Rüschenbaum, Rainer Fabich, Thilo Wolf, Werner Tauber, SDR Big Band, SWR Big Band, Imre Bajka, Al Porcino, Chris Boettcher, Stephan Pola and others. Kühn died June 11th, 2024 at 61.
Ralph Duran • Mike Eller • David Freedman • Robert P. Sullivan
Alex Riel (September 13th, 1940 - June 9th, 2024) The Danish drummer was one of his country’s most prolific sidemen, active since the ‘50s and recording with Finn Savery, Sahib Shihab, Stuff Smith, Ben Webster, Brew Moore, Kenny Dorham, Bill Evans, Lars Gullin, Radio Jazz Group, Lise Reinau, Birgit Brüel, Bent Jædig, Palle Mikkelborg, Hacke Björkstens, Ib Glindemann, Jackie McLean, Ken McIntyre, Will Bill Davison, Tubby Hayes, Karin Krog, Herb Geller, Dexter Gordon, Barney Kessel, Kansas City Stompers, Jazz Gala Big Band Orchestra, Eddie “Lockjaw” Davis, Warne Marsh, Peter Herbolzheimer, Radka Toneff, Wolfgang Schlüter, Toots Thielemans, Finn Ziegler, Kenny Drew, Steve Dobrogosz, Thorgeir Stubø, Archie Shepp, Al Grey, Jesper Thilo, Jens Winther, Thomas Clausen, Karsten Houmark, Torben Westergaard, Niels Lan Doky, Doug Raney, Enrico Pieranunzi, Jørgen Emborg, Jesper Lundgaard, Jan Lundgren, Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen, Repertory Quartet, Allan Botschinsky, Bob Brookmeyer, Nicolai Gromin, Mads Vining, Trine-Lise Væring, Jens Jefsen, NDR Big Band, Peter Vuust, Fini Høstrup, Peter Janson, Ole Jacob Hystad, Johnny Griffin, Ulf Meyer, Putte Wickman, Benjamin Koppel, Max Leth, Ketil Bjørnstad, Stefan Pasborg, Youn Sun Nah, Ole Matthiessen, Carsten Dahl, George Robert, Leif Juul Jørgensen, Heine Hansen, Marian Petrescu and others as well as his own or co-led albums on Fona, Red, Storyville, Stunt and Cowbell Music and work in the rock and folk scenes. Riel died June 9th at 83.
Ed Balsamo • Mary Lukas • Dave Odell • Mark Rubinstein • Richard Steckler • Arthur Theil
Terry Evans (March 27th, 1943 - June 5th, 2024) The guitarist worked with Jimmy McGriff, Ray Charles, Jimmy Witherspoon, Jimmy Smith, Curtis Peagler, Joe Turner, Ernie Andrews and others. Evans died June 5th at 81.
Jean-François Ouellet (1976 - June 5th, 2024) The Canadian saxophonist/flutist led bands and worked with Samina, Michelle Sweeney, Nikki Yanofsky, Orchestre National de Jazz and others among pop and folk credits. Ouellet died June 5th at ~47-48)
Dick Barnes • Omer Loranger • Emmanuel Morais • Billy Robinson
Joe Malinga (July 13th, 1949 - June 2nd, 2024) The South African saxophonist, based for many years in Europe before returning home, had albums on Canova Music, Meteor and Plainisphare. Malinga died June 2nd at 74.
Bill Holman • Janis Paige • Lou Pamenter
Manfred Frei (July 30th, 1940 - May 31st, 2024) The German producer founded Munich’s Piano Summer jazz festival as well as several other small concert series. Frei died May 31st at 83.
Irio O'Farrill (~1959 - May 31st, 2024) The bassist and pedagogue worked with Juan Carlos Formell, Hell’s Kitchen Funk Orchestra, Bobby Sanabria, Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra, Gary Morgan, Ray Mantilla and others. O'Farrill died May 31st at 65.
Stacey Briggs • Dick Brown • Andy Fehrenbach • Karl Friedline • Yasafumi Higurashi • David Jones • Phoebe Newman
Rodger Fox (1953 - May 27th, 2024) The New Zealander trombonist had a over a dozen albums since the ‘80s on Circular, Ode and T-bone, both co-led and with his big band and Wellington Jazz Orchestra, led the Golden Horn Big Band, was a member of NZ Trading Company, The Quincy Conserve and Raw Deal and had credits with Lyn Williamson, Gordon Brisker and various pop, rock and country artists. Fox died May 27th at 71.
Armando Araújo • Roy D'Antonio • Todd Fraba • Rodney Hoffman • Glen Leeuwen • Zane Marshall • Maureen Meers • Nancy Norman • Wendy Treacher
Richard M. Sherman (June 12th, 1928 - May 25th, 2024) The composer, who worked with his brother Robert, had their music from various Disney films covered by Louis Armstrong, Eddie Calvert, John Coltrane, Rufus Harley, Duke Ellington, Wes Montgomery, Tete Montoliu, Mal Waldron, Hampton Hawes, Sadao Watanabe, Count Basie, Soul Flutes, Julie London, Eddie Higgins, Kenny Ball, Sun Ra, Christian Vander, Stacey Kent, Eric Alexander, Barbara Dennerlein, Bria Skonberg, Veronica Swift and others. Sherman died May 25th at 95.
Ed Alisauskas • Alan Gerber • Kenny Knauer
Phil Lee (April 8th, 1943 - May 24th, 2024) The English guitarist had duo albums in the ‘80s-90s with Jeff Clyne and John Horler and since the late '60s worked with Graham Collier, Michael Gibbs, Dudu Pukwana, Robert Cornford, Gilgamesh, Tony Coe, Henry Lowther, Annette Peacock, Daryl Runswick, Michel Legrand, Louie Bellson, Andres Boiarsky, John O’Neill, Dick Walter, Dardanelle, Dick Walter, London Jazz Orchestra, John Stevens, Martin Speake, John Wilson, Bill Le Sage, Ken Peplowski, Allan Ganley Jazz Legacy, Trevor Tomkins and others. Lee died May 24th at 81.
Karel Vejvoda (February 1st, 1929 - May 24th, 2024) The Czech bassist/cellist worked with Karel Velebny, Luděk Švábenský, Eva Olmerová, Orchestr Národního Divadla, Ferdinand Havlík, Hana Hegerová and others. Vejvoda died May 24th at 95.
Joy Adams • Glenn Cartlidge • Charlie Castro • Paul "Chico" Fernandez • Andrés Juárez • John Pencola • Nenyi "Nee" Quaison-Sackey • Tom Schmick • Dick Smith
Kiane Zawadi (November 26th, 1932 - May 20th, 2024) The trombonist/euphonium player (né Bernard McKinney) recorded with Donald Byrd, Pepper Adams, Yusef Lateef, Bill Henderson, Slide Hampton, Freddie Hubbard, Sun Ra, James Moody, Hank Mobley, Freddie Roach, Juan Amalbert, Willis “Gator” Jackson, Archie Shepp, McCoy Tyner, Harold Vick, Les McCann, Dollar Brand, Carlos Garnett, The Brass Company, Ralph McDonald, Charles Tolliver, Bill Campbell, Cornell Dupree, Howard McGhee, Grant Green, Frank Foster, John Stubblefield, Mickey Bass, Ted Harris, Illinois Jacquet, Clifford Jordan, Rodney Kendrick, Joe Henderson, Brooklyn Repertory Ensemble and others. Zawadi died May 20th at 91.
Andrew DeNicola • Carlos Saavedra
Martien Beenen (February 19th, 1933 - May 18th, 2024) The Dutch drummer/trumpeter led his own orchestra in the ‘60s and worked with Ted Easton, Jack Redler, Eric Krans, Dutch Swing College Band, Jan Morks, Reunion Jazz Band (for whom he also designed album covers), Jan Pieters and Dim Kesber. Beenen died May 18th at 91.
Palle Danielsson (October 15th, 1946 - May 18th, 2024) The Swedish bassist, a giant of European jazz and beyond since the mid ‘60s as well as a stalwart ECM artist, was a member of Rena Rama, Oriental Wind and Reflexionen, worked with Bengt Nordström, Börje Fredriksson, Staffan Abeleen, Bill Evans, Georg Riedel, Karin Krog, Steve Kuhn, Svend Asmussen, Jan Johansson, Baden-Baden Free Jazz Orchestra, Slide Hampton, Barre Phillips, Bengt-Arne Wallin, Jan Garbarek, Bobo Stenson, Keith Jarrett, Rolf Kühn, Enrico Rava, Albert Mangelsdorff, Monica Zetterlund, Edward Vesala, Colin Walcott, Okay Temiz, Lennart Åberg, Jan Erik Vold, Tomasz Stańko, Fahlström International Big Band, Michel Petrucciani, Eje Thelin, Charles Lloyd, Stu Goldberg, Stefan Nilsson, Berndt Egerbladh, Gunnar Wenneborg, Archie Shepp, Monica Dominique, Göran Klinghagen, Adam Makowicz, Joakim Milder, Christof Lauer, Claudio Fasoli, Octavox, Doudou Gouirand, Ewan Svensson, Barney WIlen, Knut Riisnæs, Wolfgang Lackerschmid, Björn Alke, Peter Erskine, Nils Landgren, Anouar Brahem, Alessandro Galati, Richard Galliano, Geri Allen, Aldo Romano, Lina Nyberg, David Linx, Fredrik Nordström, Rita Marcotulli, Bertrand Renaudin, Agneta Baumann, Bernt Rosengren, Dino Saluzzi, Håkan Broström, Fabrizio Mandolini, Ketil Bjørnstad, Lars-Göran Ulander, Benjamin Koppel, John Taylor, Jeanette Lindström, Ulf Adåker, Marilyn Crispell, Eric Vloeimans, Robert Majewski, Claudio Filippini, Ali Djeridi and others and had his own or co-led records on SR, Mood, Plainisphare, Caprice, Abeat and ILK Music. Danielsson died May 18th at 77.
Frank Walton (June 24th, 1944 - May 18th, 2024) The trumpeter and Chicago stalwart had albums on Delmark, Han-Wal Productions and CDBaby and performed with John Stubbefield, Sonny Turner/Johnny Board Orchestra, Air and Morris Ellis Orchestra among others. Walton died May 18th at 79.
Gene Harris • Dale Detrick
Jean-Philippe Allard (April 8th, 1957 - May 17th, 2024) The French producer was head of Polygram for many years, restarted the Impulse label in 2014 and produced albums by Randy Weston, Charlie Haden, Abbey Lincoln, John McLaughlin, Hank Jones, Rodney Kendrick, J.J. Johnson, Christian Escoudé, Lou Levy, Helen Merrill, Kenny Barron, Shirley Horn, André Ceccarelli, Joachim Kühn/Daniel Humair/Jean-François Jenny-Clark, Johnny Griffin, Aldo Romano, Steve Lacy/Roswell Rudd, Ran Blake, Jacky Terrasson, Lee Konitz and others. Allard died May 17th at 67.
Armando Noriega • Frederic Sater • Gale Smith • Clarke "Omar" Taylor • Robert Wyatt, Jr.
Vinz Vonlanthen (February 7th, 1959 - May 15th, 2024) The Swiss guitarist had leader or co-led dates for Carbon 7, Altrusuoni, Unit and Leo, was a member of Free Funk Trio, Aventure Dupont, Le Grand Frisson and Insub Meta Orchestra and had credits with Marc Jundt, Yves Massy, Bänz Oester, George Hofmann, George Robert and others. Vonlanthen died May 15th at 65.
Jason St. Pierre
Néstor Astarita (September 21st, 1938 - May 14th, 2024) The Argentine drummer worked with The Georgians Jazz Band, Rubén López Fürst, Ricardo Antin, Alfredo Remus, Oscar Aleman, Enrico Rava, Horacio "Chivo" Borraro, Massimo Urbani, Dino Saluzzi, Horacio Malvicino, Gato Barbieri, Jorge Anders and others. Astarita died May 14th at 85.
Bob Moser
Christian Escoudé (1947 - May 13th, 2024) The French guitarist was active since the late ‘60s with albums on Musica, Red, Disques JMS, Gitanes Jazz Productions, Verve, Frémeaux & Associés, Elabeth, Nocturne, Plus Loin Music, Universal Music France and Cristal, membership in Confluence, Not Much Noise, Swing Strings System, The String Summit and Trans Europe Trio and credits with Steve Potts, André Ceccarelli, Bill Evans, John Lewis, Charlie Haden, Mike Zwerin, Michel Portal, Martial Solal, George Acogny, René Urtreger, Herry Ansker, Teddy Edwards, Dany Bittel, Florin Niculescu, Aida Ayupova and others. Escoudé died May 13th at 76.
Vince Evans • John Richardson
David Sanborn (July 30th, 1945 - May 12th, 2024) The saxophonist, who co-hosted the syndicated TV show Night Music from 1988-90 and was a member of the Saturday Night Live band in 1979-80, came up in the late ‘60s with blues bands led by Paul Butterfield, James Cotton, B.B. King and others alongside pop and rock credits with Stevie Wonder, Todd Rundgren and more, branching out into jazz in the early ‘70s with Gil Evans and continuining, while being prolific in various pop fields, with The Manhattan Transfer, Ron Carter, Joe Beck, Mark Murphy, Brecker Brothers, Don Sebesky, John Tropea, Hubert Laws, Joe Bataan, George Benson, Mose Allison, Jaco Pastorius, Idris Muhammad, Larry Coryell, Bob James, David Matthews, Mike Mainieri, Steve Khan, Michael Franks, Claus Ogerman, Domenic Troiano, Mike Mandel, Flora Purim, Ralph McDonald, David Spinozza, John McLaughlin, Frank Quintero, Jun Fukamachi, Tony Williams, Casiopea, Teo Macero, Michael Walden, Maynard Ferguson, Larry Carlton, Miles Davis, Terumasa Hino, Ed Palermo, Hiram Bullock, Marcus Miller, Jorge Dalto, Mike Stern, Masaru Imada, John Scofield, Earl Klugh, Bob Mintzer, Jun Miyake, Dave Grusin, Harvie Swartz, Kazumi Watanabe, Ronnie Cuber, Ricardo Silveira, Janis Siegel, Eddie Palmieri, Michael Kamen, Leni Stern, Tim Berne, Bob Berg, Candy Dulfer, Yoichi Murata, Branford Marsalis, Doky Brothers, Patrick Williams, Dean Brown, Take 6, Kenny G, Ramsey Lewis, Gene Lake, Dave Koz and others to go along with his own or collaborative albums since the ‘70s on Warner Bros., Reprise, Elektra, Walt Disney, Verve, Decca and Okeh. Sanborn died May 12th at 78.
H. Charles Parker
Jean-François Georges (~1941 - May 11th, 2024) The French saxophonist, better known for his work in aeronautics, founded Le Swing Limited Corporation big band in 1964 and also recorded with Eddy Louiss. Georges died May 11th at 83.
Desmond "Desi" Jones (February 21st, 1959 - May 11th, 2024) The Jamaican drummer, among his reggae credits, appeared on several Monty Alexander albums since the mid ’90s. Jones died May 11th at 65.
Ron Allen • Khunaluth Borunasak • Bill Brewer • Joseph Hakos • Dominic Mollica • Jim Santella
Nick Schneider (January 17th, 1943 - May 9th, 2024) The bassist and Chicago stalwart self-released a leader date in 2008 and also had credits with Sunny Lawrence, Danny Long, Audrey Morris, Dan McIntyre, Sam Fazio, Ira Sullivan and others. Schneider died May 9th at 81.
Ferenc Körmendy • Larry Polansky
John Perett (January 11th, 1944 - May 7th, 2024) The drummer had credits with Tony Rizzi, Ron Escheté, Mike Warren, Yoshiko Kimura, Don Rader, Raja Zahr, Roger Neumann, Ray Anthony, Bill Holman, Madeline Vergari, Terry Harrington and Josie Courreges. Perett died May 7th at 80.
Jan Ptaszyn Wróblewski (March 27th, 1936 - May 7th, 2024) The Polish saxophonist was a member of the Newport 1958 International Youth Band, had albums since the early ‘60s on Polskie Nagrania Muza, Poljazz, Pronit, GOWI, Polonia, Jazz Forum, BCD, SOJazz, Boogie Productions, GAD and For Tune, led the Studio Jazzowe Polskiego Radia and Grand Standard Orchestra, worked with Andrzej Kurylewicz, Krzysztof Komeda, Jerzy Milian, Milan Svoboda, Piotr Wojtasik, Ewa Bem, BU/UER Big Band, Jarosław Śmietana, Adam Czerwiński and EABS and had his music recorded by Andrzej Dąbrowski, Wojciech Karolak, Mieczysław Kosz, Czesław Bartkowski, Sami Swoi, Tomasz Szukalski, High Bred Jazz Trio, Henryk Miśkiewicz and various pop singers. Wróblewski died May 7th at 88.
Bill Holman (May 21st, 1927 - May 6th, 2024) The NEA Jazz Master saxophonist, composer, arranger and clinician was a West Coast (and beyond) jazz legend through his albums since the ‘50s on Capitol, HiFi, Andex, Coral, Koala, Pausa, JVC, Taurus, Interchord, Woofy, Koch, Hänssler Classic and Jazzed Media, recording credits with Ike Carpenter, Stan Kenton, Charlie Barnet, Shorty Rogers, Shelly Manne, Jack Constanzo, Russ Garcia, Don Fagerquist, Lennie Niehaus, Red Norvo, Dave Pell, Conte Candoli, Bobby Scott, Duane Tatro, Stu Williamson, Maynard Ferguson, Johnny Richards, Peggy Connelly, Ray Brown, Chet Baker, Bud Shank, Mel Lewis, Johnny Mandel, Manny Albam, Terry Gibbs, Jimmy Rowles, Howard Roberts, Ella Fitzgerald, Mark Murphy, Cy Touff and Art Pepper and compositions/arrangements recorded by many of the above as well as Billy May, Frank Rosolino, Howard Rumsey, Zoot Sims, Derek Smith, Vic Lewis, Woody Herman, Jack Millman, Sal Salvador, Don Rendell, Stan Levey, Tommy Alexander, Australian Jazz Quintet, Ib Glindemann, Rolf Ericson, Birdland Dream Band, Harry James, Bill Perkins, Earl Palmer, Austrian All Stars, Gustav Brom, Erwin Lehn, Les Brown, Ann Richards, Tak Shindo, Roy Capone, June Christy, Gerry Mulligan, Benny Goodman, Si Zentner, Anita O’Day, SHQ, Sarah Vaughan, Buddy Rich, Peggy Lee, Louie Bellson, Gil Cuppini, Pete Jolly, Klaus Weiss, Pori Big Band, Baroque Jazz Ensemble, Bob Sauer, Hank Jones, Count Basie, Gabe Baltazar, The Brass Connection, Woody James, Mark Masters, Charlie Shoemake, Joanne Grauer, Al Porcino, Vic Lewis, Loren Schoenberg, Jugend Jazzorchester Baden-Württemberg, Diane Schuur, Natalie Cole, Tony Bennett, European Jazz Ensemble, Phil Norman, BBC Big Band, NDR Big Band, Cleveland Jazz Orchestra, Carl Saunders, Dan McMillion, Vanguard Jazz Orchestra, Ed Partyka, SWR Big Band, Empire Jazz Orchestra, Michael Bublé, DaimlerChrysler Big Band, Swiss Jazz Orchestra, Don Scaletta, Cheryl Bentyne, Sound Art Orchestra, Mike Vax, Darmstädter Bigband and numerous high school and college jazz ensembles. Holman died May 6th at 96.
Steve Geraci • Russell Grant • Mike Huddleston • Axel Melhardt • John Wagner
Ken Brader (January 21st, 1954 - May 4th, 2024) The trumpeter worked with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, Glenn Miller Orchestra, Derek Smith And His Smithonians, Philly Pops Orchestra, City Rhythm Orchestra and Phil Woods Big Band, led his Holiday Brass Big Band four four decades and recorded with Bob Dorough and Nellie McKay. Brader died May 4th at 70.
Richard Andrews • Bruce Talbot
John Pisano (February 6th, 1931 - May 2nd, 2024) The guitarist had a handful of co-led dates for Decca in the ‘50s and one in 1970 with Willie Ruff for A&M and then a flurry starting in the mid ‘90s for Pablo, String Jazz, Mel Bay, Flamingo Jazz and other labels to go along with credits with Fred Katz, Chico Hamilton, Paul Horn, Tony Bennett, Gene Estes, Peggy Lee, Allyn Ferguson, Joe Pass, Herb Alpert, Howard Roberts, Lalo Schifrin, Bud Shank, John Anderson, Trombones Unlimited, Sergio Mendes, Lenny Breau, Pete Jolly, Bill Perkins, Ben Sidran, Walter Wanderly, Kei Marimura, Jimmy Scott, The Manhattan Transfer, Diane Schuur, Michael Franks, Dianne Reeves, Michel Legrand, Frank Capp, Gato Barbieri, Clare Fischer, Diane Krall, Gary Urwin, Jinshi Ozaki and Jack Sheldon, plus numerous pop credits. Pisano died May 2nd at 93.
Shamaka Khalid Ali • Rod Anderson • Paul Drushler • Richard Maloof • Dani Simons • Willie Walters • Anne Zindars
Paul Auster (February 3rd, 1947 - April 30th, 2024) The author wrote and directed the film Lulu on the Bridge about a jazz saxophonist, the soundtrack of which included Medeski Martin & Wood, Don Byron, Jacky Terrasson, Ike Quebec, Cassandra Wilson and Lena Horne, and whose texts were used in or inspired works on albums by Jeff Gardner, Michael Mantler, Trinity, Mats Gustafsson, Stephan Oliva, Sam Sadigursky and Lisa Mezzacappa. Auster died April 30th at 77.
David Duke (December 4th, 1938 - April 30th, 2024) Among the horn player’s hundreds of credits were recordings with Gil Fuller, Monk Higgins, Bobby Bryant, The Three Sounds, Lalo Schifrin, Gerald Wilson, Moacir Santos, Etta James, Oliver Nelson, Quincy Jones, Les McCann, Billy Cobham, Narada Michael Walden, Stanley Clarke, Stanley Turrentine, Jaco Pastorius, Miles Davis, Diane Schuur, John Patitucci, Shirley Horn, Dave Grusin, Arturo Sandoval, Kyle Eastwood, Jim Self, Nancy Wilson, Diana Krall and Gil Mellé. Duke died April 30th at 85.
Johnny Williams (October 31st, 1936 - April 30th, 2024) The baritone saxophonist was a stalwart member of Count Basie’s band and also had credits with Gerald Wilson, Louie Bellson, Quincy Jones, Paul Jeffrey, Frank Capp/Nat Pierce, Horace Tapscott, Cleveland Eaton, The Manhattan Transfer, Lena Horne and others. Williams died April 30th at 87.
Art Cobb • Peter Demetz • Georges Herpe • Daniel Kramer • Dieter Lässle • Jean Le Marac • Wyn Lodwick • Mac McKenzie • Paul Schoenfield
Les Thimmig (March 19th, 1943 - April 28th, 2024) The reed and wind player, better known in the classical world, and longtime educator at UW–Madison where he taught jazz curriculum and led the Jazz Composers Group workshop, performed early on with Woody Herman, Lionel Hampton, Oliver Nelson and Duke Ellington, later led his own Septet and recorded with Joan Wildman/Richard Lottridge, The Jazz Members Big Band Of Chicago, MadiSalsa, Mark White, Jack Grassel, Hans Sturm and Adam Unsworth. Thimmig died April 28th at 81.
Walter Hanel • Graham Newton
Zé Nogueira (July 21st, 1955 - April 26th, 2024) The Brazilian saxophonist had a pair of albums on Som Livre and, among his pop work, credits with Chico Buarque, Rique Pantoja, Victor Biglione, Ricardo Silveira, Lenny Andrade, Pascoal Meirelles, Guinga, Moacir Santos, Mario Adnet, Márcio Faraco, Michel Legrand, Stefano Bollani and Zé Renato. Nogueira died April 26th at 68.
Werner Büche • Nick Daniels III • Frank Ferriano • Mike A. Miller • Bill Montague • Mario Toledo
Terry Henebery (September 4th, 1932 - April 24th, 2024) The English radio producer, best known for bringing The Beatles to BBC Radio, hosted the Jazz Club program and then Jazz 625 for BBC Television, presenting numerous indigenous and international artists like The Jazz Couriers, Kenny Graham, Don Rendell, Joe Harriott, Chris Barber, Kenny Ball, Acker Bilk, Harry South, Bill Evans, Thelonious Monk, Wes Montgomery, Coleman Hawkins, Erroll Garner, Oscar Peterson, Art Blakey, Modern Jazz Quartet and many others. Henebery died April 24th at 91.
John Booth • Clyde Griffith • Mike Norris
Claus Jacobi (September 1st, 1948 - April 23rd, 2024) The German reedplayer and noted arranger, based in the UK, led the Bottomland Orchestra (with a pair of ‘90s albums on Stomp Off) and the Blue Roseland Orchestra (active in the '70s) and was a member of the Red Roseland Cornpickers, King Oliver Creole Conservenblik and Keith Nichols Cotton Club Orchestra. Jacobi died April 23rd at 75.
Queen Bey-Blythe • Terry Carter • Rafi Claudio • Bill Hart-Davidson • Valentin Diaz • Ed Flynn • Colin Higginson • Gustaf McIlhenny • Joel Schiavone
Michael Cuscuna (September 20th, 1948 - April 20th, 2024) The producer was a towering figure in jazz, starting his career as a music journalist (penning liner notes for hundreds of releases) and then going on to work on thousands of albums, both new sessions and reissues, for dozens of labels, most notably Atlantic and Blue Note, and co-founding Mosaic Records in 1983, which produced hundreds of valued “The Complete…” boxed sets from a wide array of artists, winning two Grammy Awards for Best Historical Album and one for Best Album Notes. Cuscuna died April 20th at 75.
Dickey Betts • Eric Davis • Gail Dobson • Jim Kalson
Bob Butters (November 6th, 1929 - April 16th, 2024) The trombonist worked with Wild Bill Davison, Henry “Red” Allen, Max Kaminsky, Carl Halen, Eddie Bayard, Terry Waldo, Gene Mayl, Buffalo Ridge Jazz Band and North Side Jazz Band and was president of the Central Ohio Hot Jazz Society. Butters died April 16th at 94.
Greg Lyons (1958 - April 16th, 2024) The British saxophonist, long based in Asia, self-released a pair of leader dates, was a member of Standing Tall and had credits with Casey Subramaniam, Wah Idris, Aubrey Suwito, Jeremy Monteiro and Darren Moore. Lyons died April 16th at ~66.
Joe Mullen (July 20th, 1954 - April 16th, 2024) The drummer/percussionist worked with John Vanore, Peter Paulsen, Ron Thomas, Denis DiBlasio and John Swana. Mullen died April 16th at 69.
Daniel “Topo” Gioia (1952 - April 15th, 2024) The Argentine drummer, long based in Europe, was a member of U3 Klang, Experimenti Berlin Orchestra, Bajazzo and Interzone Jazzorchestra and had credits with Hans Hartmann, Hendrik Meurkens, Ronaldo Folegatti, Rudi Neuwirth, Ernst Bier/Mack Goldsbury, Steve Lacy, Jocelyn B. Smith, Manfred Krug, The Remembrance Band, Lateralmusic, Claus Rückbeil, Sonar Kollektiv Orchester, Kai Brückner, Fun Horns and Moka Efti Orchestra. Gioia died April 15th at ~72.
Calvin Keys (February 6th, 1942 - April 14th, 2024) The guitarist had albums since the ‘70s on Black Jazz, Olive Branch, Life Force, Wide Hive, Silverado and BMG and credits with Gene Russell, Red Holloway, Billy Brooks, Doug Carn, Ahmad Jamal, Variable Unit, Gloria Coleman, David Durrah, Marty Krystall, Brian Ho and Hafez Modirzadeh as well as various funk artists. Keys died April 14th at 82.
Wilford Morton • Yuri Turchyn
Charlie Robinson (1934 - April 13th, 2024) The guitarist and teacher had albums on Ashland, Inner Truth Visionwind Music Productions and credits with Ken Hardin, Charles Haynes and Mike Newman. Robinson died April 13th at 90.
Peter Baartmans • Richard Horowitz • Jun Mhoon
Giorgio Azzolini (March 25th, 1928 - April 12th, 2024) The Italian bassist had albums on Cetra, Ciao! Ragazzi, Juke Box, Dire, Jazz D'Essai, Carosello and Splasc(h) and credits with Enrico Intra, Franco Cerri, Gianni Basso, Oscar Valdambrini, Gil Cuppini, Lilian Terry, Helen Merrill, Sergio Fanni, Eraldo Volonté, Renato Sellani, Armando Sciascia, Franco Ambrosetti, Pino Calvi, Piero Umiliani, Romano Mussolini, Peppino Principe, Guido Manusardi, Orchestra Sinfonica Di Roma Della RAI, Giovanni Fenati, Claudio Fasoli, David Ng and various pop acts. Azzolini died April 12th at 96.
Barry Coates (February 10th, 1953 - April 12th, 2024) The guitarist/guitar synthesizer player had albums on Reel Dreams, Artful Balance, Therapy, BTC and Outside In Music and credits with Tom Baker, Nightwind, Dan Slider/Dann Glenn, Llew Matthews, Luis Conte, John Novello, Roland Vazquez and Jerry Kalaf. Coates died April 12th at 71.
Fred Hany • San Murata • Carlos Verde, Jr. • Howie Welch
John Goldsmith (??? - April 10th, 2024) The drummer/percussionist had credits in the ‘70s with Sun Ra, Carl and Earl Grubbs, Rahsaan Roland Kirk and Bobby Bradford. Goldsmith died April 10th at an unknown age.
Rick Holden • Jeff Lang • Doug McIntosh • Enrique Llácer Regolí
Bob Lanese (August 2nd, 1941 - April 9th, 2024) The trumpeter, long based in Europe, had a handful of albums on Europa to go with credits under Klaus Weiss, James Last, Slide Hampton/Duško Gojković, Peter Herbolzheimer, Knut Kiesewetter, NDR Big Band and Clark Terry among his pop and rock session work. Lanese died April 9th at 82.
Werner Christians • Todd Gabriel • Lanny Gooding • Don Heneberry • Peggy Hitchcock • David LeBaron • Pacifico Mascarenhas • Muluken Melesse • Scott Smith
Joe Viera (September 4th, 1932 - April 7th, 2024) The German saxophonist and music pedagogue was a member of the Riverboat Seven in the late ‘50s, then had releases in the ‘60s onward for Lyodon, Universal Edition, Calig, dhfi and Chaos as well as appearances on several festival compilations, co-founded of the International Jazz Federation, the Union of German Jazz Musicians and the Burghausen International Jazz Festival and wrote liner notes for albums by Gustav Brom, Yancy Körössy, Pony Poindexter, Anita O’Day, Jan Hammer, Grooveyard, Helmut Nieberle/Helmut Kagerer and others. Viera died April 7th at 91.
Inskip Dasent • Chris Hebert • Sy Pryweller
Phi Nimmons (June 3rd, 1923 - April 5th, 2024) The Canadian clarinetist and educator had albums on Verve, Radio Canada International, RCA Victor, Sackville, CBC and Opening Day. Nimmons died April 5th at 100.
David Arteaga • John Tatgenhorst
Albert “Tootie” Heath (May 31st, 1935 - April 3rd, 2024) The drummer and 2021 NEA Jazz Master, was the last surviving member of a legendary jazz family (with older brothers bassist Percy and saxophonist Jimmy and nephew percussionist James Mtume), leading albums in the ‘70s for O'Be and Muse, then in the ‘10s for Sunnyside, having shared dates with his brothers since the ‘70s on Columbia, Antilles and Concord and sideman credits since the late ‘50s with John Coltrane, J.J. Johnson, Nina Simone, Cannonball and Nat Adderley, Mal Waldron, Johnny Griffin, Billy Taylor, Benny Green, Wes Montgomery, Art Farmer, Jimmy Heath, Clifford Jordan, Mel Rhyne, Walter Benton, René Thomas, Johnny Lytle, Sonny Red, Bobby Timmons, Les Spann, Benny Golson, Blue Mitchell, Charlie Mariano, McCoy Tyner, Coleman Hawkins, Ray Brown, Milt Jackson, Ronnie Mathews, Friedrich Gulda, Kenny Dorham, George Russell, New York Jazz Sextet, Charles McPherson, James Moody, Guido Manusardi, Toshiko Akiyoshi, Kenny Clarke/Francy Boland Big Band, Ben Webster, Tete Montoliu, Herbie Hancock, Yusef Lateef, Dexter Gordon, Sonny Rollins, Cedar Walton, Cecil Payne, Anthony Braxton, Kenny Drew, Don Patterson, Kenny Barron, Earl and Carl Grubbs, Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen/Sam Jones, Ronnie Cuber, Ted Curson, Harold Land, Stanley Cowell, Bubi Chen, Warne Marsh, Indra Lesmana, Bud Shank, Harry “Sweets” Edison, Joe Pass, Michel Sardaby, Eddie Harris, Milcho Leviev, Riverside Reunion Band, Claude Williamson, John Capobianco, Roscoe Mitchell, George Cables, Dave Pike, Dena DeRose, Wesla Whitfield, Tomas Franck, Theo Croker, Ethan Iverson, Tomas Janzon, Roberto Magris, Richard Sears, Greg Skaff and others. Heath died April 3rd at 88.
David Irving • Lois Olney
John Sinclair (October 2nd, 1941 - April 2nd, 2024) The jazz poet, activist and MC5 manager released numerous albums, many with accompaniment from players like Michael Ray, MC5’s Wayne Kramer, Phil Ranelin, Ed Moss, Elliott Levin, Ras Moshe and Don Fiorino, including homages to Thelonious Monk and John Coltrane, wrote liner notes for albums by the Art Ensemble of Chicago, Lyman Woodard, Larry Nozero, Rebirth Brass Band, Michael Ray and Kermit Ruffins and was a producer of the Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz Festival and other concert presentation. Sinclair died April 2nd at 82.
Phil Delire (March 13th, 1956 - April 1st, 2024) The Belgian producer and recording engineer worked on albums by Philip Catherine, Kandahar, Marc Moulin and Fawzi Al-Aiedy. Delire died April 1st at 68.
London Branch • Eldon Pitts
Pentti Vuosmaa (August 24th, 1932 - March 31st, 2024) The Finnish bassist had, among his pop and folk work, credits with Vaasa Jive Club Band, Rauno Lehtinen, Jani Uhlenius, Matti Viljanen, Karl-Gustav Backholm, Jazz Society Big Band and Helsinki City Feetwarmers. Vuosmaa died March 31st at 91.
Casey Benjamin (October 10th, 1978 - March 30th, 2024) The saxophonist/flutist/keyboard player/vocalist had credits with Pucci Amanda Jhones, DJ Logic, Arto Lindsay, Bilal, Khani Cole, Lynette Washington, Dennis Bell, Kenji Hino, Stefon Harris, DJ Spinna, Robert Glasper, Victor Bailey, Derrick Hodge, Kenyatta Beasley, Melvin Gibbs, Kris Bowers, David Fiuczynski, Meeco, Vivian Sessoms, Shafiq Husayn and others. Benjamin died March 30th at 45.
Paul Alberta • Emmett Wright
Ingram Washington (1940 - March 29th, 2024) The singer had new millennium albums on Beerendonk, Serendip, Villamax and STS Digital. Ingram died March 29th at ~84.
Nelson Foucht • Joao Henrique
Vladimir Feiertag (December 27th, 1931 - March 28th, 2024) The Russian jazz writer started out as a pianist, co-authored the first monograph about jazz in Russian in 1960 and later numerous books and articles on the subject (both international and indigenous) as well as liner notes for nearly three dozen Melodiya releases, organized concerts and festivals throughout the Soviet Union and then the Russian Federation and hosted several jazz radio programs (for which he won the 1998 Willis Conover Award). Feiertag died March 28th at 92.
Marvin "Achyutan" Pattillo (1930s - March 28th, 2024) The drummer/percussionist, long based in the Bay Area, had credits in the ‘60s with Pharoah Sanders and Sonny Simmons and also worked with John Coltrane, Gato Barbieri and others. Pattillo died March 28th in his eighties.
Ray Barker • Stephen Hicks • Joe Lieberman • Jorge Prats
Humphrey Campbell (February 26th, 1958 - March 25th, 2024) The Dutch singer had credits with The Harlem Hoppers, Jerry Van Rooyen, Greetje Kauffeld, Carmen Sars, KölnMusik Big Band, Landes Jugend Jazz Orchester Hessen, Toon Roos and Tim Welvaars. Campbell died March 25th at 66.
Maurice El Médioni (October 18th, 1928 - March 25th, 2024) The Algerian pianist, active in the 40s-60s, had, after coming out of retirement, several new millennium albums on Buda Musique, Magda Music and Piranha, including a co-led date with Roberto Rodriguez. El Médioni died March 25th at 95.
Coy Hurd • Larry Teal
Everett Turner (~1940 - March 24th, 2024) The trumpeter worked with Sun Ra in the late ‘50s and had later credits with Kellee Patterson and Davina Bussey, continuing to work with various California big bands up to the present. Turner died March 24th at 84.
Rebecca Adams • Edwin Adcock • Mirza Al Sharif • Martin Bax • Basil Dixon • Péter Eötvös • Francis Fortier • Barbara J. Harris • Gary Hogan • Richard Judah • Andy Moran • Bill Parthe • Paul Trebino • Rico Tyler
Diego Sandrin (~1964 - March 20th, 2024) The Italian songwriter and whiskey magnate founded Sentemo Records, which released albums by Gábor Gadó, Lanfranco Malaguti, Gianluca Mosole, Mauro Negri, John Novello, Enzo Pietropaoli, Ferenc Snétberger, John Taylor, Trio Stendahl, Massimo Urbani/Gianni Lenoci and Glauco Venier, some of which also included his compositions. Sandrin died March 20th at 60.
John Gunther
Dale Williams (~1951 - March 19th, 2024) The guitarist worked with Sun Ra from 1974-79, appearing on the period albums Lanquidity, The Other Side Of The Sun and On Jupiter, plus several new millennium archival live releases. Williams died March 19th at ~73.
Tony Coy • David Dunn • Sammy Labastida • Valerie Tichacek
Jimmy Hastings (May 12th, 1938 - March 18th, 2024) The British reed and wind player (older brother of guitarist Pye), best known for his work within the Canterbury scene and numerous pop and rock sessions, had credits with The Tally Ho Jazzmen, BBC Radio Big Band, Tom Kinsey, Trevor Tomkins, Alec and John Dankworth Generation Big Band, Humphrey Lyttelton, Michael Gibbs and Michael Garrick and a handful of leader or co-led albums with John Horler. Hastings died March 18th at 85.
Kevin Toney (1953 - March 18th, 2024) The pianist had albums since the ‘80s on Fantasy, Ichiban and Shanachie, was a member of The Blackbyrds (both when supporting Donald Byrd and as a discrete group) and worked with Bobbi Humphrey, Andrew White, David “Fathead” Newman, Phil Upchurch, Paul Jackson and Dawan Muhammad among his various pop, funk and disco credits. Toney died March 18th at 70.
Godfrey Sheppard
Sandra Crouch (July 1st, 1942 - March 17th, 2024) Though the drummer/composer was known primarily in the gospel field, she had credits in the late ’60s-early ‘70s as a percussionist with Mongo Santamaria, Gabor Szabo, Lalo Schifrin and Harvey Mandel. Crouch died March 17th at 81.
Antoni Krupa (March 23rd, 1945 - March 17th, 2024) The Polish guitarist/banjoist and harmonica player was a member of the Jazz Band Ball Orchestra and Little Egoists, worked with Pawel Dalach and Krzysztof Wierzchoń, produced albums for Zbigniew Seifert, Janusz Muniak, Beale Street Band and Adam Kawończyk, was a fixture on Radio Kraków and published a history of Kraków jazz. Krupa died March 17th at 78.
Karel Bogard • Eric Buchanan • Larry Hoyt • Byron Janis • Shirley Judkins • Werner Kaegi • Bobby Koefer • Angela McCluskey • Howard Pancoast • Roger Pfund • Kirk Sand
Sylvain Luc (April 7th, 1965 - March 13th, 2024) The French guitarist had numerous leader or collaborative albums since the ‘90s on Transat, Blue Citron, Polygram, Label Bleu, Dreyfus Jazz, Shaï, Disques Concord, Pygmalion, Just Looking Productions, JMS, Challenge Jazz, Milan, Éditions Jade, Naïve, Ilona, Cristal and Space Time and credits with Didier Goret, Les Frères Bebey, Daniel Mille, Didier Makaga, Antoine Illouz, Fred Schneider, Jean-Marc Jafet, Charles Aznavour, Marc Berthoumieux, André Ceccarelli, Jean-Pierre Como, Philippe Drouillard, Biréli Lagrène, Olivier Ker Ourio, Didier Lockwood, Serge Luc, Richard Bona, Vincent Peirani, Richard Galliano, Pierre Bertrand, Gérard Amsellem and others. Luc died March 13th at 58.
Robert Horvath • Kaye Sheils-Houston
Si Perkoff (1937 - March 12th, 2024) The pianist and occasional singer (father to trombonist Max and uncle to saxophonist King) released one albums in 1979 and then several more starting in 2000 (one a duo with his son), was a member of Monk's Music Trio (with four new millennium albums) and had credits with Mike Vax, Chicago Six and Mal Sharpe. Perkoff died March 12th at ~86.
Pierre Cornali • Tony Sheppard
Peter Bastian (1956 - March 10th, 2024) The German photographer had in his work since the late ‘90s in albums released by Leo, PAO, ECM, GLM Music, Intakt, Enja, Red Toucan, CAMJazz, Incipit and other labels. Bastian died March 10th at ~68.
Lars Brolin (April 13th, 1931 - March 10th, 2024) The Swedish violist/violinist had among his classical work early credits with Lars Gullin, Bengt-Arne Wallin and Claes Rosendahls. Brolin died March 10th at 92.
T.M. Stevens (July 28th, 1951 - March 10th, 2024) The bassist had early credits with Miles Davis, Sam Morrison, Al Foster, John McLaughlin, Yoshiaki Masuo, Narada Michael Walden, David Sancious, Teo Macero, Pat Peterson, Masayoshi Takanaka and others before moving into the pop and rock world. Stevens died March 10th at 72.
Bill Gibson • Bill Logozzo • Harriett Milnes • Nick Mulder • John Price • Anthony Scarlati • Eric Stephenson • Guy Touvron
Ernie Fields, Jr. (July 29th, 1934 - March 8th, 2024) The saxophonist (and son of Swing Era bandleader Ernie) had, among his blues, pop and soul work, credits with Alphonso Johnson, Freddie Hubbard, Les McCann, Ahmad Jamal, Joe Sample, Herb Alpert, Kirk Whalum, Jimmy Smith and Buddy Collette. Fields died March 8th at 89.
Gail Hall • Gail Hightower • Bob Strizich
Rob Crocker (November 1st, 1945 - March 7th, 2024) The broadcaster held the title of longest-running jazz DJ in New York at WRVR, WWRL, WBLS, KISS FM and three-plus decades at WBGO, plus work in Japan for BAY-FM, FM Yokohama and INTER-FM, as well as production and/or liner note credits for albums on MCA, Verve, Blue Note, Blue Toucan, MCG Jazz and other labels. Crocker died March 7th at 78.
Margaret Tynes (September 11th, 1919 - March 7th, 2024) The operatic soprano, who spent decades in Europe as a famed performer, had early credits wiith Duke Ellington in 1956-57 (including the album A Drum is a Woman), was part of recordings of Porgy and Bess in late '50s-early '6s0s and released an EP of spirituals in 1962. Tynes died March 7th at 104.
Lloyd Nilsen
Paulo Curado (1960 - March 6th, 2024) The Portuguese saxophonist had leader or co-led albums on Groove, Clean Feed, Creative Sources and 4DaRecord and was a member of Idefix, Lisbon Improvisation Players, Ensemble MIA, Adega Ensemble, Improvisers Consort, IKB, Variable Geometry Orchestra, Isotope Ensemble and Octopus. Curado died March 6th at ~64.
Helene Cann (1945 - March 6th, 2024) The co-founder (with husband Marty Khan) of Outward Visions, Inc. organized tours of the Art Ensemble of Chicago, World Saxophone Quartet and other jazz artists, was Associate Editor of and, co-director of The Coltrane Project of Philadelphia and The Transcendence Initiative (Dedicated to the Music & Spirit of John Coltrane) and co-author of Straight Ahead: A Comprehensive Guide to the Business of Jazz (Without Sacrificing Dignity or Artistic Integrity). Cann died March 6th at 79.
Don Baldini • Lee Norris
Ralph Beerkircher (1967 - March 5th, 2024) The German guitarist was a member of Asgard, Novotnik 44 and Ensemble HKS, had credits with Sascha Delbroux, Moritz Eggert, Matthias Broede, André Nendza, Arnie Bolden, Carl Ludwig Hübsch and Peter Kahlenborn and a pair of new millennium leader or co-led albums. Beerkircher died March 5th at 56.
Brahim Fribgane (April 9th, 1965 - March 5th, 2024) The Moroccan oud player and percussionist was a founding member of Club D’Elf and also worked with David Rothenberg, DJ Logic, Adam Rudolph, Leni Stern, William Parker, Uri Gurvich and others. Frigbane died March 5th at 58.
José Marino (1940 - March 5th, 2024) The Brazilian bassist worked with Walter Wanderley, Antônio Carlos Jobim, Milton Nascimento, Bola Sete, Moacir Santos, L.A. Transit, Astrud Gilberto, Nino Tempo, John Pisano and others. Marino died March 5th at ~84.
Wally Shoup (1944 - March 5th, 2024) The saxophonist had leader or co-led albums since the ‘80s on Too Sound, Cassette Documents, Trans Museq, Sublingual, Shrat Field, First World Music, Leo, AARC, Tyyfus, Tone Action Family, Clean Feed, Nunatak, Monofonus Press, Open Mouth, New Atlantis, Catalytic Sound and other labels and collaborations with David Solomonoff/Carola Von Hoffmannstahl, New Art Orchestra, Doug Haire, Davey Williams, Project W, Rik Wright, Daniel Carter and more. Shoup died March 5th at 80.
Jean-Pierre Bourtayre • Mike Factor • Keith Hall • Heidi Moll • Edgar Rios • Stefan Wissnet
Eleanor Collins (November 21st, 1919 - March 3rd, 2024) The singer (née Elnora Procter), known as Canada's First Lady of Jazz and featured on a 2022 commemorative stamp from Canada Post, worked with Ray Norris and Dave Robbins in the '50s, had a short-lived show on CBC (the first by a Black female singer in Canada) in the same decade, appeared on numerous TV and radio shows, later worked with Chris Gage, Tommy Banks and Fraser MacPherson, and contributed a track to the 2003 CD She Bop! A Century of Jazz Compositions by Canadian Women. Collins died March 3rd at 104.
Bill Ramsay (January 12th, 1929 - March 3rd, 2024) The baritone saxophonist and Seattle Stalwart was a founding member of the Seattle Repertory Jazz Orchestra and worked with Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman, Les Brown, Quincy Jones, Grover Mitchell, Maynard Ferguson, Frank Wess/Harry Edison Orchestra, Northwest Prevailing Winds, SW Santa Ana Winds, Jay Thomas, Bud Shank, Pete Christlieb, Jan Stentz, Stan Kenton Alumni Band and others. Ramsay died March 3rd at 95.
George E. Allen • Sam Gresham • Feliz "Fété" Sabal-Lecco
Jim Beard (August 26th, 1960 - March 2nd, 2024) The keyboard player had albums on CTI, Lipstick, Escapade Music. ESC, Intuition, Sunnyside and Jazzline and credits since the early ‘80s with David Baker, Wayne Shorter, Dave Liebman, Toninho Horta, Mike Stern, Michael Brecker, Peter Erskine, Victor Bailey, Eliane Elias, Rick Margitza, Vince Mendoza, Randy Brecker, Chuck Loeb, Bill Evans, Bob Berg, Dieter Ilg, Dennis Chambers, Ralph Bowen, Tony Lakatos, Pat Metheny, John McLaughlin, Philip Catherine, Paul Winter, Matthew Garrison, Gary Husband, Oz Noy and Madeleine Peyroux. Beard died March 2nd at 63.
Dan Haerle (July 23rd, 1937 - March 2nd, 2024) The pianist, University of North Texas professor and Jamey Aebersold Jazz Camp faculty had albums on Mark, NTSU Jazz, Blu Jazz and Seagull and credits with the North Texas State University Lab Band, UNI Jazz Band, numerous Aebersold play-alongs, David Baker, The Matteson - Phillips Tubajazz Consort, Bob Ackerman, Janice Borla and others. Haerle died March 2nd at 86.
Fernando Corona • Lynn Fainchtein • David Johnson • Don Lawrence • Pan Geun Lee • Jerry E. Lewis • Seymour Salzberg • Jack Sunaway
Marcus Dengate • Elaine Krovitz • Jimmy Maxwell
Bill Ardis (~1940 - February 28th, 2024) The broadcaster was the first host of a all-night jazz radio show in the Rochester area in the late '60s and wrote liner notes for albums by Elvin Jones, Ray Bryant, Lou Donaldson, Gabor Szabo and Jack McDuff. Ardis died February 28th at ~84.
Geoff Hawkins (??? - February 28th, 2024) The British saxophonist worked with Mike Cooper, Eddie Prévost, George Ricci, Tim Hill and Meltdown. Hawkins died February 28th at an unknown age.
Peter Eichenberger • John Park • Dot Wilder
Tom Colclough (??? - February 26th, 2024) The Canadian reedplayer was part of The New World Quartet and worked with Philippe Lapointe, Tim Tamashiro, Fred Stride, Stevie Vallance, Michel Bublé and Hans Stamer and was featured clarinetist in the 1999 touring musical "Forever Swing". Colclough died February 26th at an unknown age.
Bill Douglass (1945 - February 26th, 2024) The bassist and bamboo flutist came up in the folk scene (and continued in it throughout his career) but later had credits with Hadley Caliman, Art Lande, Gary Marks, Schawkie Roth, Heinz Lieb, Mimi Fox, Ira Stein, Dave Austin, Charlie Byrd, Dmitri Matheny, Ian Dogole, Marian McPartland, Paula West, Debby Poryes, Bob Claire, Jim Martinez and others and a a 1978 co-led date with Andrei Kitaev. Douglass died February 26th at 79.
Ernesto Assante • Craig Bullis • Linda Janee • John Minnock • Furuya Mitsuhiro • Fernando Palombo
Georg Riedel (January 8th, 1934 - February 25th, 2024) The Czech-born bassist was a stalwart of Sweden’s jazz scene from the ‘50s onward, working with Lars Bagge, Lars Gullin, Ernie Englund, Nisse Engström, Anders Burman, Alice Babs, Rolf Billberg, Arne Domnérus, Gösta Theselius, Ernestine Anderson, Stan Getz, Spencer Williams, Monica Zetterlund, Rolf Blomquist, Bengt-Arne Wallin, Herbie Mann, Göte Wilhelmson, Harry Arnold, Gunnar Lundén-Weldens, Jan Johansson, Friedrich Gulda, Sveriges Radiojazzgruppen, Claes Rosendahl, George Russell, Bengt Hallberg, Tubby Hayes, Svend Asmussen, Rune Gustafsson, Thad Jones, Egil Johansen, Visby Storband, Jimmy Rowles, John Klemmer, Jan Allen, The Swedish All Stars, Roy Williams, Quintessence Wind Quintet and others, including many pop sessions, leading or co-led dates for Modern Music, Metronome, Philips, Megafon, Swedisc, Sveriges Radio, SR, Phono Suecia, Four Leaf Clover, Phontastic, Dragon, Gammafon, Caprice, Virgin, J.A.M. Produktion, Gemini, Playground Music Scandinavia, Diesel Music and ILK Music and having a long career as a film composer. Riedel died February 25th at 90.
Martin Spitzer (1965 - February 25th, 2024) The Austrian guitarist was a member of Jazzklusiv and had credits with Patty Miller, Paul Fields, Michael Starch, Diknu Schneeberger, Benjamin Schmid, Joschi Schneeberger, Kevin Mahogany and Simone Kopmajer. Spitzer died February 25th at ~59.
Martin Weiss (June 14th, 1961 - February 25th, 2024) The German violinist, part of a musical family, worked with his uncle Häns'che Weiss, Biréli Lagrène, Brady Winterstein and Markus Schlesag and led his Sinti Jazz Ensemble (which included his cousin Romani) for albums on Ruemer, GLM Musikverlag and Label Ouest. Weiss died February 25th at 62.
Tom Doeller • Mano Kazuhiko • Larry Loden • Bambang Nugroho • Steve O'Connell
Ronald Carter (July 5th, 1953 - February 24th, 2024) The saxophonist and longtime educator (inducted into DownBeat's Jazz Educators Hall of Fame) led the Northern Illinois University (NIU) Jazz Ensemble and was Director of its Jazz Studies program, consulted with the Essentially Ellington Jazz Competition, was Lead Artist for Jazz At Lincoln Center Band Director's Academy, published several works of pedagogy and performed with with Clark Terry, Jimmy Heath, Oliver Lake, Hamiett Bluiett, Leon Thomas, Art Davis, Fareed Haque, Joseph Bowie, Frank Mantooth, Terell Stafford, Carl Allen, Rodney Whitaker and others. Carter died February 24th at 70.
Albert Coleman (August 18th, 1927 - February 24th, 2024) The drummer, Indianapolis stalwart and 2020 Jazz Journalists Association Jazz Hero played with Jimmy Coe, Duke Hampton, the Montgomery brothers, Freddie Hubbard and Leroy Vinnegar, was a founding member of The 3 Souls and established the Indianapolis club Al’s British Lounge. Coleman died February 24th at 96.
Lyn Hejinian (May 17th, 1941 - February 24th, 2024) The poet, journal editor, educator and wife of saxophonist Larry Ochs contributed texts to releases by Ochs, ROVA Saxophone Quartet, Derek Bailey/John Zorn/William Parker and Alexander Hawkins. Hejinian died February 24th at 82.
Ole Molin (June 23rd, 1936 - February 24th, 2024) The Danish guitarist worked with Max Brüel, Finn Savery, Sahib Shihab, Birgit Brüel, Danish Radio Jazz Group, Ib Glindemann, Ben Webster, Danish Jazzballet Society Ensemble, Stéphane Grappelli/Svend Asmussen, Rolf Billberg, Kenny Drew/Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen, Jesper Thilo/Finn Otto Hansen, Dexter Gordon, Ole Kock Hansen, Karin Krog/Nils Lindberg, Erling Kroner, Louis Hjulmand and others and had a 1980 leader date for RCA Victor. Molin died February 24th at 87.
Allen Bardin • Don Bestor • Ricardo Castelán • Edgar L. Chase III • Kenny Elliot • Ron Evaniuk • Margaux Hayes • Carl Humphrey • Getachew Kassa • Bill Lalli • Ernie Montoya • Ted Murray • Bill Nadeau • Janusz Nowotarski • Walter Pearson, Jr. • Manu Sagastume • Charles Sherrell • Lou Vig • Bryan Withers
Samuel Hubert (~1978 - February 18th, 2024) The French bassist was a member of Switch Trio, with a pair of albums on Ahead and Jazz Family, and Wax, and worked with Samy Thiébault, Karim Blal, Véronique Hermann Sambin, Jean-Philippe Scali, Esaie Cid, Frédéric Nardin and Olivier Temime. Hubert died February 18th at 45.
Ray Austin • Bob Boss • Scott Dunbabin • Grace Garland • Rodni Hardison • Cliff Johnson • Cliff Meachen
Reuben Jackson (1957 - February 16th, 2024) The author and broadcaster was shcurator of the Smithsonian Museum’s Duke Ellington Collection from 1989-2009, hosted “Friday Night Jazz" on Vermont Public Radio from 2012-18, wrote liner notes for albums on Verve, Bluebird, BMG and Koch and contributed music reviews to various outlets. Jackson died February 16th at 67.
Lew Chapman • Angelo Ferrara • Walter Henderson III • Teddy Ikegaya • Ben Lanzarone • Dmitry Markov
Paul Schmeling (July 25th, 1938 - February 15th, 2024) The pianist and longtime teacher at Berklee College of Music worked with Clark Terry, Rebecca Parris, George Coleman, Carol Sloane, Frank Foster, Art Farmer, Herb Pomeroy, Phil Wilson, Dick Johnson and Slide Hampton and had two leader dates for North Star. Schmeling died February 15th at 85.
Jorge Cruz • Colin De Light • Roger Kasparian • Randy Kling • Pam Woods
Frank Bennett (February 28th, 1942 - February 14th, 2024) The drummer/percussionist had a pair of albums in the late ’70s-early ‘80s to go along with credits with Chris Hinze, Dickey Myers, Jane Ira Bloom,
L. Subramaniam/Stéphane Grappelli, Allen Lowe and others and extensive work as a film orchestrator. Bennett died February 14th at 81.
Santiago Giacobbe (~1932 - February 14th, 2024) The Argentine keyboard player was a founding member of Agrupacion Nuevo Jazz and later part of Quinteplus and Jazz Band de Free and worked with Horacio Malvicino, Jorge López Ruiz, Alberto Favero, Jorge Anders, Rodolfo Alchourron, Astor Piazzolla, Stone Alliance, Dino Saluzzi, Roberto Fats Fernández and Sergio Paolucci. Giacobbe died February 14th at 91.
Karl Leury • Anthony Swann
Kerry "Fatman" Hunter (May 21st, 1970 - February 13th, 2024) The drummer worked with Allen Toussaint, New Birth Brass Band, Dirty Dozen Brass Band, New Orleans Nightcrawlers and Preservation Hall Jazz Band. Hunter died February 13th at 53.
Alan Tomlinson (November 7th, 1947 - February 13th, 2024) The British trombonist had leader or co-led albums since the ‘80s on Bead, Emanem, FMR and Scatter and credits with Peter Brötzmann, London Jazz Composers Orchestra, Lol Coxhill, Alexander von Schlippenbach/Sven-Åke Johansson, John Stevens, London Improvisers Orchestra, Louis Moholo-Moholo, Keith Tippett Celebration Orchestra and others. Tomlinson died February 13th at 76.
Erhard Schoofs
Tamás Deák (April 27th, 1928 - February 12th, 2024) The Hungarian trumpeter led a big band for albums on Qualiton and Pepita and had his worked recorded by Magyar Rádió És Televízió Tánczenekara, Stúdió 11, Németh Lehel, Toldy Mária, Pannonia Allstars Ska Orchestra, Mihály Borbély and Igor Butman. Deák died February 12th at 95.
Tom Plsek (~1949 - February 12th, 2024) The trombonist and longtime teacher at Berklee College of Music worked with Phil Wilson, Mark Harvey, Gino Robair, Joe Morris, Boston Improvisors’ Orchestra and Aardvark Jazz Orchestra and was a member of the improvising collective Kobold. Plsek died February 12th at 76.
Cliff Colnot • Juris Kulakovs • Rolf Wagemann
Gérard Régnier (1934 - February 11th, 2024) The Frenchman authored various books on jazz in France, including one on Django Reinhardt’s career during the Nazi occupation of France in World War II. Régnier died February 11th at 90.
Paul Caputo • Lorraine Cofrances • Tom Gruzo • Chris Jaudes • Geoff Matthews • Ian Polster • Don Rollins • Bernt Thurner
Giulio Vannini (1960 - February 9th, 2024) The Italian promoter was Artistic Director of the Modena Jazz Festival, produced numerous concerts across Europe with American and Italian stars and was a correspondent for Jazz Hot Magazine. Vannini died February 9th at 64.
Jenny Bernard • Marty Conley • Karen Flattery • Rocky Giglio • Bob Greenwood • Jim Heineman • Karl Horst Hödicke • Rob James • Jackie Jones • Joseph Lillyman • Tony Middleton • Sammy Murgo • Gerry Pineda
Patty McGovern (February 24th, 1928 - February 6th, 2024) The singer and composer had a 1956 Atlantic album and a pair of Columbia EPs and her songs recorded by George Wallington, Jeanne Lee/Ran Blake, Bruno Angelini and Diana Panton. McGovern died February 6th at 95.
Rene Toledo (July 3rd, 1957 - February 6th, 2024) The Cuban guitarist, among his Latin and pop credits, was a member of Grupo Afrocuba and Bolero Jazz, worked with Marco Riza, Paquito D’Rivera, Arturo Sandoval, The Manhattan Transfer, Ed Calle, Jane Monheit and Pepe Rivero and had his own albums for GRP and Sony Latin Jazz. Toledo died February 6th at 66.
Derek Gabriel • Harold Jefta • Bill Lowrey • Zaven Melikian • Dave Murphy • Seiji Ozawa • John Quara • Les Wood • Bill Stout • Elliott Waldron
Jan Evensmo (1939 - February 4th, 2024) The Norwegian jazz historian published numerous discographies, established the website and wrote liner notes for various albums. Evensmo died February 4th at ~85.
Alice Darr (April 22nd, 1930 - February 4th, 2024) The singer/pianist had a 1962 album on Charlie Parker Records with musical direction by Mundell Lowe and then a 1972 Numera date while based in Paris. Darr died February 4th at 93.
Norm Freeman • Bob Modr
Bill Allred (November 19th, 1936 - February 2nd, 2024) The trombonist/vocalist (and father of trombonist John) had leader or co-led albums on Jim Taylor Presents, Fat Cat’s Jazz, Reedy Creek, World Jazz, Big Beart, Sunjazz, Nagel Heyer and Arbors and credits with Ernie George, Johnny Wiggs, Tony Newstead, George Probert, Kenny Davern, Ernie Carson, Billy Butterfield, Cliff Leeman, Spiegle Wilcox, Banu Gibson, Wild Bill Davison, Tommy Saunders, Wolverines Jazz Band, Johnny Mince, Claude Hopkins, Rosie O’Grady, Max Kaminsky, Jimmy McPartland, Ed Polcer, Ralph Sutton, Doc Grober and others. Allred died February 2nd at 87.
Wayne Kramer (April 30th, 1948 - February 2nd, 2024) The guitarist, best known for co-founding proto-punk band MC5, later worked with Was (Not Was), Orquestra Was, Bob Holman, Hal Willner, Mars Williams and Lexington Arts Ensemble. Kramer died February 2nd at 75.
Dale Dawkins • Wilhelmenia Wiggins Fernandez • John Hyde • Derrick McIntyre • Gordon Marshall • Don Murray • Corky Stasiak • Rick Tilton • Jo Ann Ward
Hank Cicalo (June 25th, 1932 - January 31st, 2024) Among the engineer’s many credits were sessions with Peter Nero, Quincy Jones, Lalo Schifrin, Bud Shank, André Previn, Ernie Andrews, Peggy Lee, João Donato, Bobby Hutcherson, Carmen McRae, David Sanborn, Doc Severinsen, Woody Herman, Hal Galper, Jaco Pastorius, Lionel Hampton, Les McCann, Bob James, Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra, The Manhattan Transfer, Bill Watrous, Diana Krall and others. Cicalo died January 31st at 91.
Gary Morgan (January 15th, 1939 - January 31st, 2024) The Canadian saxophonist worked with Ron Collier, Rob McConnell, Moe Koffman, Jimmy Namaro and Mario Castro Neves and led his PanAmericana! Big Band since 1997. Morgan died January 31st at 85.
Ed Reed (February 2nd, 1929 - January 31st, 2024) The vocalist found success late in life after decades of struggles with substance abuse and periods of incarceration, releasing a handful of albums in the new millennium and receiving various critics’ poll mentions. Reed died January 31st at 94.
Olavi Kaskisuo • Mark Kennedy • Toty Ramos • Ken Rupkalvis
Tony Cedras (1952 - January 29th, 2024) The South African multi-instrumentalist had, among his pop and rock work, credits with Hugh Masekela. Milton Nascimento, Cassandra Wilson, Henry Threadgill, Muhal Richard Abrams, JD Parran, Pharoah Sanders, Herbie Mann, Joel Harrison and Carlos Henrique Pereira. Cedras died January 29th at 71.
Bill Davies
Ivar Galenieks (1952 - January 28th, 2024) The Latvian bassist, based in the UK, released a 1985 album on Melodiya, was a member of The Jazz Trio and worked with Anatoly Vapirov, Hans Kumpf, ROVA Saxophone Quartet, Valentina Ponomareva, Baltic Jazz Quartet and Orchestra, Vilnis Kundrāts, Eglis Straume, Keiko McNamara, Jørn Skogheim, Imants Skuja and others. Galenieks died January 28th at ~72.
Willie Johans (January 26th, 1934 - January 28th, 2024) The German singer was a member of The German All Stars, appearing on albums released by CBS, MPS and Columbia in the late ‘60s-early ‘70s and later worked with Johannes Faber and the Big Band Radio-Televizije Srbije. Johans died January 28th at 90.
Janis Beauchamp • Stan Fomin • Roddy Gillen • Chris Seresin
Dean Brown (August 19th, 1955 - January 26th, 2024) The guitarist had credits with Billy Cobham, Jean Robitaille, Naoya Matsuoka, Steve Smith, Gil Evans, Kirk Whalum, Bob James, Roland Vazquez, Louie Bellson, The Brecker Brothers, Steps Ahead, Takeshi Ito, Marcus Miller, The Mann Brothers, David Sanborn, Jason Miles, Lenny White, Bernard Purdie, TIll Brönner, Tom Coster, Eddie Harris, Walk Away, Bill Evans, Ricky Peterson, Joe Zawinul, Les McCann, Dennis Chambers, Eric Marienthal, Mauri Sanchis, MSM Schmidt, Dave Weckl, Ada Rovatti, Oytun Ersan and others and his own dates for ESC, BHM Productions and Moosicus. Brown died January 26th at 68.
Bob Erlendson (January 17th, 1931 - January 26th, 2024) The Canadian pianist worked with Lenny Breaue, Eric Freidenberg, Gibb Monks, Clarence Miller, Herbie Spanier, Cheryl Fisher, Don Thompson and others and several self-released album since the '80s. Erlendson died January 26th at 93.
Michel Hausser (February 7th, 1927 - January 26th, 2024) The French vibraphonist had credits with Stéphane Grappelli, Lucky Thompson, Martial Solal, Benny Vasseur, Hubert Rostaing, Roger Lecussant, Serge Gainsbourg, Sarah Vaughan, Roger Guérin and Bobby Jaspar and his own albums on Columbia. Hausser died January 26th at 96.
Robert Coles • Walter Love • Juppo Paavola • Donald Palthe • Larry Tyrell • Al Wallack
Bruno Amstad (1964 - January 25th, 2024) The Swiss singer was one-third of WAL and part of The Fabulous Dance Machine, Triangulation and Mister Mohop and Large Shape, a member of Christy Doran’s New Bag, had credits with Marco Käppeli, Albin Brun, DOM, Martin Baumgartner and Sandro Schneebeli and his own albums on Bazaarpool. Amstad died January 25th at 59.
Hubert Gibson • Ed Haley • Olli Kaske • Howard Pulver • Richard Reiter • Charles Rose • Irma Ipyana Simonette • Jerome Widman
Frank DeVito (August 14th, 1930 - January 22nd, 2024) The drummer had credits with Terry Pollard, Julius Wechter, Steve Allen, Buddy DeFranco, Richard Behrke, Joe Pass and Tommy Gumina alongside work in the rock and pop words. DeVito died January 22nd at 93.
Bob Cooper • Elke Erb • Dédé Rabeson
Kayla Feldman (March 30th, 1942 - January 21st, 2024) The producer co-founded Reservoir Records with her husband Mark, releasing albums by Helio Alves, Kenny Barron, Dick Berk, Nick Brignola, John Fedchock, Steve Kuhn, Pete Malinverni, Hod O’Brien, Valery Ponomarev, Claudio Roditi, Rob Scheiderman, Gary Smulyan and others. Feldman died January 21st at 81.
Rony Verbiest (June 26th, 1956 - January 21st, 2024) The Belgian accordionist/reed player had albums on Etna, Rent a Dog, Prova and September, was a member of Sax Quartet B.B.S. and had credits with Michel Bisceglia, Cattleya, Jokke Schreurs, Les P'tits Belges, Yvonne Walter and others. Verbiest died January 21st at 67.
Jack Dennis • Thapelo Joseph
Philippe Combelle (July 14th, 1939 - January 20th, 2024) The French drummer (son of clarinetist Alix) was active since the ‘60s with his father, Toots Thielemans, Jacques Denjean, Sonny Criss, Buck Clayton, Michel Sardaby, Bach Modern Quintet, Jean Bonal, Baroque Jazz Trio, Gérard Badini, François Guin, Jimmy Gourley, Guy Lafitte, Buddy DeFranco, Patrick Saussois, Christian Escoude, Tuna Ötenel, Mina Agossi and others. Combelle died January 20th at 84.
Norman Jewison (July 21st, 1926 - January 20th, 2024) The Canadian director called upon jazz musicians like Lalo Schifrin, Quincy Jones and Dick Hyman to score his films and directed the ‘50s Canadian TV series Jazz with Jackson. Jewison died January 20th at 97.
Frank Shea (February 8th, 1930 - January 20th, 2024) The drummer had ‘60s recording credits with Willis Jackson, The Trenier Brothers and Eddie Kirkland before settling into regular work in New England. Shea died January 20th at 93.
John DeSalme • Eric Nieblas • Tom Zahorik • Tony Zannini
Charles Austin (1930 - January 19th, 2024) The saxophonist/reed and wind player had a long partnership with keyboard player Joe Gallivan, collaborating on albums since the mid '70s on Man-Made, Compendium, Spitball, Ogun, IRI, Hannibal and Celia. Austin died January 19th at 93.
Marlena Shaw (September 22nd, 1942 - January 19th, 2024) The singer (née Marlina Burgess) released albums since the late ‘60s on Cadet, Blue Note. Columbia, Verve, Concord, Telarc and Eighty-eight's and had guest spots with Phil Upchurch, Buddy Montgomery, Joe Williams, Jimmy Smith, Benny Carter, Ray Brown, DIVA Jazz Orchestra and Melanie Charles. Shaw died January 19th at 81.
Brian Bates • Charles Boles • Dan Farina • Dave Nuby • Jorge Tavares
Jiro Inagaki (October 3rd, 1933 - January 18th, 2024) The Japanese saxophonist was active since the early ‘60s with albums on Victor, Toshiba, Columbia, Denon and Eastworld and credits with the Modern Jazz All Stars of Japan, Helen Merrill, Hideo Shiraki, Steve Marcus, Motohiki Hino, Masahiko Satoh, Kiyoshi Yamaya, Yasuo Arakawa, Hiromasa Suzuki and Wind-Breakers as well as various pop, soul and funk acts. Inagaki died January 18th at 90.
André “Slim” Pezin (October 25th, 1945 - January 18th, 2024) The French guitarist, among his many credits, was one-quarter of CCPP and worked with Manu DIbango, Hal Singer, Michel Legrand and Jean-Claude Petit. Pezin died January 18th at 78.
Herb Aronoff
Ron Moss (May 20th, 1944 - January 17th, 2024) The one-time trombonist (and father to actress Elizabeth) went on to become a manager for Chick Corea (also playing on several of his and Return to Forever’s albums) and Kyle Eastwood, overseeing albums for both, as well producing releases (alongside Corea) for Stan Getz, Joe Farrell, Bunny Brunel, John Patitucci, Eric Marienthal, Dave Weckl, Frank Gambale, Eddie Gomez, Bob Berg, Billy Childs, Avishai Cohen, Steve Wilson, Tim Garland, Wallace Roney and others, mostly for GRP/Stretch. Moss died January 17th at 79.
Dieter Reichert (~1941 - January 17th, 2024) The promoter founded the Hamburg jazz club Birdland (site of live albums by Harry Allen, Tommy Flanagan, Herb Geller, Ken Peplowski, Jack Walrath and others) and its affiliated label. Reichert died January 17th at 84.
Peter Britell • Richetta Manager • Toni Stern
Laurie Johnson (February 7th, 1927 - January 16th, 2024) The British composer (known for his film and TV themes and library recordings) and bandleader used players like Tony Coe, Tubby Joe Harriott, Hayes, Phil Seamen, Stan Tracey, Kenny Wheeler Tommy Whittle and others in his groups, notably the 1970 Columbia album Synthesis, conducted an orchestra for a 1955 Harriott session, had his compositions recorded by Harriott, Jerry Wald, Acker Bilk and others and had a part of Synthesis used as theme for the BBC Radio show "Sounds of Jazz". Johnson died January 16th at 96.
Perri Lee (February 13th, 1925 - January 16, 2024) The organ player and singer (née Perri Lee Blackwell) had a single leader date in 1966 for Dot, worked with Sonny Stitt and Dinah Washington and sang alongside Doris Day in the 1959 film Pillow Talk. Lee died January 16th at 98.
Frank Adonetti • George Boje • Jacques Ingelaere • Jim Ivy • Viola Plummer • Melvin Rogers
Jerry Coker (November 28th, 1932 - January 14th, 2024) The saxophonist/clarinetist had his first album while still a student at Indiana University and later releases on Just Records, Discovery and Revelation alongside credits with Nat Pierce, Woody Herman, Mel Lewis, Clare Fischer, Charlie Spivak and Dardanelle and a long career as an educator at the University of Tennessee and author of numerous jazz method books. Coker died January 14th at 91.
Nat Lee (May 25th, 1954 - January 14th, 2024) The keyboard player was a member of Oneness of Juju and the Southern Freedom Arkestra. Lee died January 14th at 69.
Enrique "Zurdo" Roizner (December 14th, 1939 - January 14th, 2024) The Argentinean drummer/percussionist worked with Agrupacion Nuevo Jazz, Eduardo Lagos, Vinicius De Moraes, Jorge López Ruiz, Gato Barbieri, Matias Pizarro, Sebastião Tapajós, Gente De Nuevos Aires, La Banda Elástica and Astor Piazzolla. Roizner died January 14th at 84.
Bob Rusch (April 3rd, 1943 - January 14th, 2024) The jazz critic founded Cadence Jazz Magazine and then the labels Cadence Jazz and CIMP, both crucial in documenting avant garde jazz for decades by dozens of artists. Rusch died January 14th at 80.
Uwe W. Tiedemann
Torbjörn Samuelsson (January 8th, 1951 - January 13th, 2024) Among the Swedish engineer’s hundreds of credits were albums by Waves, Chet Baker, Tommy Koverhults, Harald Svensson, Åke Johansson, Ronny Johansson, Ulf Wakenius, Roger Kellaway/Red Mitchell, Susanna Lindeborg, Staffan Linton, Anders Jormin, Lee Konitz, Nils Lindberg, Bernt Rosengren, Joakim Milder, Biggi Vinkeloe, Jan Wallgren, Lars Danielsson, Lyna Nyberg, Gush, Bob Stenson, Contemporary Bebop Quintet, Sune Spångberg, Iro Haarla, Anders Bergcrantz and others. Samuelsson died January 13th at 73.
Beverley Knight • Martin McQueenie • Hal Smith • Robin Snyder • Burt Steel • Dottie Timberlake • Tom Ulrich
Jan Linhart (July 31st, 1975 - January 11th, 2024) The Czech drummer had credits with Pražský Jazzový Sextet, Petr Kořínek, Petr Hanzlík, Vít Švec, Jan Štolba, Noční Optika, Vladimíra Krčková, Adam Tvrdý, Kateřina Steinerová, Concept Art Orchestra and Jaroslav Šindler. Linhart died January 11th at 48.
Richard Locker (June 4th, 1949 - January 11th, 2024) The celliist, in addition to his classical work, was a busy session musician on albums by Carlos Garnett, Lonnie Smith, Earl Klugh, Jimmy McGriff, Brecker Brothers, Meco Monardo, Eric Gale, Ron Carter, Bob James, Jon Faddis, Woody Shaw, Richard Tee, Shunzo Ohno, Diane Schuur, Wynton Marsalis, Lyle Mays, Paquito D’Rivera, Nancy Wilson, Arthur Blythe, Gary Dial/Dick Oatts, Sadao Watanabe, Wallace Roney, Bob Belden, Fred Hersch, Buckshot LeFonque, David Grusin, David Matthews, Kenny Drew, Jr., Pat Metheny, Monday Michiru, Makoto Ozone, Benny Golson, Richard Bona, Nellie McKay, Steve Kuhn, Jane Monheit, Dave Koz, Hilary Kole and Tony Bennett. Locker died January 11th at 74.
Sigi Schwab (August 5th, 1940 - January 11th, 2024) The German guitarist was active since the ‘60s with leader or co-led albums on Philips, Metronome, MPS, Liberty, Jupiter, Melosmusik, Keytone and Calig and credits with Wolfgang Dauner, Horst Jankowski, Embryo, Charly Antolini, Roland Kovac, Peter Herbolzheimer, Art Van Damme, Peter Trunk, The Singers Unlimited, Chris Hinze, Klaus Doldinger, George Shearing, Mladen Guteša, Max Greger, Diabelli Trio and others. Schwab died January 11th at 83.
Jessie Bradley • Bo Farson • Antonio Iglio • Bob Street
Hal Smith (March 5th, 1938 - January 10th, 2024) The trombonist worked with Sonny Dunham, Boyd Raeburn and Harry James. Smith died January 10th at 85.
Göte Wilhelmson (January 10th, 1929 - January 10th, 2024) The Swedish pianist/accordion player had a couple of early ’60s albums on Phillips, sideman credits with Alice Babs and Gunnar Lundén-Weldens and production duties for Elis Regina/Toots Thielemans, Monica Zetterlund, Arne Domnérus and Bengt-Arne Wallin. Wilhelmson died January 10th at 95.
Michel Ripoche (1947- January 9th, 2024) The French violinist was a member of Zoo and the Utopic Sporadic Orchestra and had albums in the ‘70s-80s on Atlantic, Spalax and Musique-Image. Ripoche died January 9th at 76.
Dominique Boulé • Jacky Boyadjian • Ed Curiel • Craig Fager • Rob Guerrina • Chris King • Bénédicte Laforêt • Phyllis Leaverton • Bill Moulton • Silvio Passalacqua • Gianfranco Reverberi • Phillip Schilder • Judd Truax
Don Edmonds (1940 - January 6th, 2024) The pianist recorded with Lew Anderson, Rick Bogart, Sam Olano and Starlight Orchestra, toured with Buddy DeFranco, Charlie Ventura and Gene Roland and self-released a leader date. Edmonds died January 6th at 83.
Page Fraley • Robert Jones • Vuyiswa Ngcwangu
Carl Grubbs (July 27th, 1944 - January 5th, 2024) The alto saxophonist co-led The Visitors (releasing four ‘70s albums on Cobblestone and Muse) with his tenor saxophonist brother Earl—cousins of John Coltrane’s first wife Naima—had his own albums for CIMP and B&C Productions, credits with Julius Hemphill and Odean Pope and co-founded the organization Contemporary Arts Inc. Grubbs died January 5th at 79.
Ron Dewar (July 22nd, 1941 - January 4th, 2024) The saxophonist/clarinetist was a member of the University of Illinois Jazz Band, founded the Memphis Nighthawks and worked with the Chicago Hot Six, Little Brother Montgomery, Judy Roberts, Classic Jazz Ensemble, Emily Haddad, Bob Dogon, Steve Rashid, Johnny Rinaldo and others. Dewar died in January 4th at 82.
Mike Ross-Trevor (??? - January 4th, 2024) The British engineer had, among his hundreds of credits, mid ’60s-early ‘80s sessions for Prince Lasha, Ronnie Scott, Ray Russell, Maynard Ferguson, Johnny Dankworth, Cleo Laine, Rita Reys and Billy Cobham. Ross-Trevor died January 4th at an unknown age.
Kishin Shinoyama (December 3rd, 1940 - January 4th, 2024) The Japanese photographer’s work was found in releases on CBS/Sony, Frasco, ECM and Verve. Shinoyama died January 4th at 83.
Francisco Bellotti • Al Berry • Leon Jordan • Skip Rohrich • W. Mark Sutherland
Franco Caroni (1949 - January 3rd, 2024) The Italian producer and bassist founded the Sienna Jazz Workshop in 1977. Caroni died January 3rd at 74.
Sherwood Sledge
Bob Leto (March 17th, 1954 - January 2nd, 2024) The drummer had albums since the late ‘90s on Brownstone Recordings and Consolidated Artists Productions and a new millennium sideman credit with Jeff Palmer. Leto died January 2nd at 69.
Bob Fead • Grant Hopkins • Peter Magubane • Harold Salisbury • Bill Smith
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